You're my destination of choice [private]

It was nice to bring gifts to the neighbors, and horses were probably the best thing that she could offer. They were very valuable to the tall wolf; breeding the horses and caring for them did take some time out of her routine. She liked being around horses in general, though, and didn't mind the disruption too much. Her schedule wasn't completely full, or anything. Some days she spent more time in the stables then she needed to, even.

He appeared out of the brush, a wolf that she recognized, and her tail wagged. She took a few steps forward and Bayard stepped forward too, surprising a few of the horses from their grazing. A smile graced the Aniwayan's face and she proudly nodded. "Yep! For a bit now, actually. I guess I haven't come 'round for a while, huh? Dawali made me a leader beside him a few months ago"

He said that she was looking well and to be honest he was too. Maybe it was the fact that he looked happy, content, even, in her eyes. A good mood, perhaps. Even a good mood could make someone look brighter and more healthy! "You too! And you mean this lot here? Hmmmm. I dunnoooo..think I ought to? Hehehe. The big one at the front's mine, but the others...I guess I could part with 'em." Of course she'd brought them for Phoenix Valley. "How's everyone doing here?"


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