love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden

     It's all good Smile 300+

     Savina knew this couldn't possibly be easy for him either. Not being there for your children all the time was a great sacrifice and she understood that. She didn't take her brother's decision for granted, hence why him being here now was such a relief. All she really wanted to do was just to break down and cling to him; to show him how much she loved him and how much this meant to her. It didn't matter how old they got, she would always need him. He was her brother and the bond they shared was like no other. It was different than the bond she shared with her mate, though no less strong. It was the people she loved that made her who she was, and chief among them was Ehno. He always had been, and he always would be.

     The soothing rubbing on her hand did much to calm her and she gently squeezed his fingers. He had known nothing of this, and she knew it would be quite the shock. He had left with everything being more or less as it had been and now he was back with a new niece and nephew that he hadn't even known had been conceived. There had been many times she had broken down over the past couple months. Tears came too easily and she had felt herself cracking all over. It would have all been hard enough to deal with on its own, but she was the Commander and she had to hold Crimson Dreams together as well. It was a task that had seemed impossible and insurmountable lately. How could a pack follow someone that could fall apart so easily? So for right or wrong she had kept her problems a secret, only confiding in Anu and Kansas the extent of her fears. Without them she wouldn't have been able to make it through.

     Savina nodded in confirmation of his words. It had been one of the toughest ordeals she had ever faced. "Sono anche. Perdere loro...sarebbe stato troppo..." She didn't mean just for Ghita or herself, but for their whole family. The reverberations of such a tragedy in an already trying time would have been too great to consider. A small, weak smile cracked her face at Ehno's attempt to lighten the mood. A laugh was too much for her to muster though. It was just like him to do so though, and she could never begrudge him the effort. Then came one of the other clear complications that he wasn't aware of. "Jazper. Dopo che ho scoperto ho schioccato e ho urlato delle a lui, ma cose sono meglio ora. Sono dei compagni." Despite how irresponsibly the pregnancy had happened, it could have been with a much worse male.


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