Rainy day women #12&35
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Savina was just as willing to let the topic of her brother and the D'Angelo slip away. No matter how many different views she got on the matter it wouldn't change the way she felt about things. It just brought her mood down to that darker place and that was exactly what she had come out here to avoid and run away from. Really she just needed a vacation, even if it were only for an afternoon. "It does, too fast if you ask me, at least most of the time." It seemed the bad things lingered longer than was necessary while the good things flew by and you could miss them in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it seemed like the world was out to get you. "Yeah, I know. It's hard to find the chance to get away. Afraid it'd be a little dangerous for me to come see you at Inferni." Anselm may be her friend, but Hybrid most certainly was not. "Are you having problems with Dahlia again?" She hoped not, another war wasn't what anybody needed.

The woman sensed his hesitance and for the life of her she couldn't imagine why. Most likely because she was still mostly ignorant on the topic of drugs and having forgotten that Anselm had such knowledge. He clearly wasn't an addict though, not like Naniko had been. This was probably why it didn't occur to her that what she was smelling was one of those mind-altering substances. She couldn't help but be intrigued though as he said it could be what the doctor ordered. If it would take her mind of her problems then she would listen with open ears.

The Dreamer watched as her friend retrieved a container and opened it, handing a strange looking plant out to her. She took it and sniffed it; yes, that was definitely the smell that permeated the garage. Marijuana? She didn't know what the was, but from his tone she could take a guess. Somewhat nervously she looked back at the plant as a raging argument took place inside her. This was clearly a natural substance, unlike that powder that her former Commander had been using. Still, it was a drug. If she took some, would that make her a hypocrite? What if the pack found out? Or even worse, what if her daughter found out? Savina swallowed, looking back to her friend. "It's not addictive, like that powder, is it?" If it were then she would drop it and never think of it again. But if not...


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