When it rains

500+ YESH<33

Her ears swivelled and were followed by the turn of her face as the sizzling sound of the meat in the pan sounded. Her ruby eyes widened only a little as she watched the male do something he had done many times before. As Cotl spoke she let her gaze rise to re-establish eye contact again. She could only nod at his words – this was true. They did count in a way, but she needed someone more closely connected to her than to Samael in order to rid her heart of the horrible ache. She was uncertain how to treat his words. Was he somewhat trying to offer her some sympathy? Her facial expression turned softer, realizing that she silently agreed – thinking it actually did suck how it all happened. Vitium had deceived his children and her siblings had betrayed her. Even Samael had betrayed her, though she saw it more as her own fault. She had caused him to lose control and she had let it all happen.

”Perhaps, but as you say: I have family here still, so they count too.” She loved Kaena endlessly and held a large amount of respect for Gabriel; the man that had let her in despite her bad genes. Two was not at all far away, and compared to other members of the clan, she realized that Cotl was quite close to her in age seen from that point of view. She stayed silent as his eyes seemed to wander across her features. The girl was surprised to find her cheeks redden slightly in response. The fact that the blush came involuntarily at such a trivial little thing caused embarrassment to sting deeper. This was not her at all. Hadn’t she always loved it when people looked at her and gave her beautifully formed body the attention it deserved? Thankfully he let her know what his mind had been busy doing, and she tried to push the embarrassment away and listen openly to his words instead.

Her ears folded backwards in thought as she tried to imagine a field of blood tainted flowers. There were no flowers. Only thick, dark blood covering the ground. Flesh and intestines ripped apart and spread around the scene. The stench of death weighting the air down. She swallowed heavily and turned her face away. No, horrible memories were blocking out the field of flowers. Her jaws tightened visibly and she nodded, pretending to imagine this. His words had made it sound lovely and she adored lovely things. While she was rather reluctant to attach anything large and permanent to her body, she would have wished to try it out. ”It would be rather frightening to try out such a large design without knowing how it would look first.” She was uncertain of how to form the words – for she did not want to offend him in anyway or reject his idea. ”Is there any way to make it temporary and not permanent, perhaps?” She stepped closer again, though still on that same, safe distance as she watched the meat go from red to brown.


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