one by one
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    ”I’ll tell you what it is to be lonely.”

    Mati thought as she let the brush stroke across the piece of plywood. It was dark; the colors melting into one another around the bright and yet eerie orbs that she had painted in the center of the piece. They were wolf eyes, yellow with a tinge of green in the underlying layers of paint. The air around them was too smooth to be that of fur or the features of a face; alone they hovered in the darkness. The title would be written in script on the back, the date as she could remember it just beside her signature. But she over thought the process, bringing herself back to the texture that it still needed, as well as the lighter tones that would be blending around each eye. More blue; for a lighter hue she would use white. She had been locked away for a few hours now, and it was just now that she had finally become absorbed in the process of creation. Now, she picked up a small per brush, the highlight on the right eye had come to her imagination and she now knew its perfect placement. The white was placed on the tip of the fine brush, slowly she leaned in with a steady paw. Centimeters away from the wood canvas she slowed and gingerly let the hairs of the brush touch.

    The while streamed across the darkness that surrounded the eye, her startle was uncontrollable and caused by the bang against the door. Violet eyes stared, her jaw slack and mouth opened by the sight of it. Her brush fell to the palette and she slowly rose from her seat and calmly walked to the door. The anger rose, and yet each motion she made, as she felt the door handle in her hand and moved to open it, was slow and seemingly calm. Mati opened the door, and was surprised to see the "queen" standing before her. Prettied in her white dress as Mati stood in nothing but wolf and the paint that splattered her coat. Violet met gold, staring at the beast and not understanding why she was standing, and knocking, at her door. Her face was stern, the painting standing on the easel behind her. The day’s light streamed through the large windows of her room, but Mati’s form block much of it as she stood in the doorway. The look on her face, the tension that was almost tangible surrounding her body made Mati think of one thing. But with the annoyance of the interruption so fresh in her mind, she could only ask a simple “What?”. The woman’s relationship with Haven and the fact that she was the sister of Ares still made Mati uneasy.

    By Erin<33, 400+


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