Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'

     This is fun! Big Grin 300+

     She hadn't heard many rain myths, but so far she was liking the one that she and her son were coming up with better than any of the others. Perhaps it was because it was her child coming up with this, but she really did like the idea and it did seem to make a lot of sense. There were many things in the world that they could never know for sure and so why couldn't it be some massive dragon that gave them rain and wind? It was a lot more fun to think of the world in these terms then to try and explain things logically. That took the magic out of life and who would ever want to do that? Savina certainly didn't want to, especially not to her children. She wanted them to see the world in an exciting and fascinating light. She wanted them to see things the way they wanted to see them. The mother didn't want their minds to grow stagnant, but to run free with all the possibilities they could imagine.

     She beamed down at Gotham, glad he found her additions to his ideas acceptable. His next detail was a stroke of genius. "Of course! It makes perfect sense!" Only a rain dragon could create such a monstrous chorus. Though her son had a good question: what would make the lightning? Savina started to think about it and came to the same basic conclusion that he had, though he voiced it before she had a chance. "I was thinking the same thing!" What should his name be? The woman looked up to the sky, pondering the question. A name came to her, she believed she had seen it in a book somewhere and it was somehow associated with dragons and rain. "Perhaps it is Kalseru, and I believe it is a girl. For women can be strong and fierce like a thunderstorm but then they can be soft and nurturing as well." Not that the same could not be said for males, but this spirit seemed more feminine to her.


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