a fever coming on.

Weeeee, I fail!!! D: But yeah, apparently we are writing novels here. XD At some point I will probably deliver a massive-fail-short!post and ruin it all. D:

The hybrid woman could certainly appreciate her other forms, and when she'd learned she, too, possessed the ability to shift from one form to another, she had been quick to capitalize. Her Optime form granted her with opposable thumbs, the deadly and incredibly useful appendage that had certainly helped to make humanity ruler of this world, once upon a time. The Luperci were a particularly lucky species, as well, for their fast-paced evolution had meant they were deposited neatly into the fresh ruins of a dead society just twenty years after its demise. Most of the human technology was still in decent shape; it was not as if the canines of the world had to wait thousands of years for their thumbs and dexterous fingers to evolve naturally from their blunted toes. They had a vast world of human technology to make use of, and many were already on the fast track there. The hybrid woman knew nothing of Snake's origins, but she had gauged him as one generally more comfortable in his two-legged form. He wore clothes, he seemed to need adjustment to his four-legged form, he lived in a van. The hybrid was not exceptionally perceptive, but still, this seemed an obvious fact to her.

For that, the tawny coyote was the object of some degree of an emotion close to envy in the silver-furred hybrid. She understood her own dire need to learn human technology and more civilized ways of life, and fast—with a weapon she might have defended herself from Haku. Kaena was an old woman, but she was certainly still capable of learning, and with a small amount of weapons training to complement her already ferocious fighting style, she might live some long years yet. The ash-furred canine saw that as her only ticket to longevity beyond that which she already had, and more than anything in the world the hybrid wanted to live—forever, preferrably. She envied Lolita for her death, her ability to come to a complete stop in the circle of life and exist beyond everything else. When the world turned to dust and ash, Lolita might still walk among the remnants of it, alone and supreme with a hundred thousand years' knowledge locked away in her creamy-furred head.

Though Snake did seem to be a younger canine, the hybrid had detected no hint of playfulness in him. He was not a puppy, surely, but even canines of a two years had been known to romp and play, reminiscing of their younger days. There was virtually no hint of that in Snake, and it made him seem far older to the silver-furred Centurion. She did not view the Hastati as a yearling; in her perception he was a stoic, firm canine of two and a half or three, even if that mostly that contradicted his outer appearance. Even there, he appeared older, with the musculature of an older canine as well. The coyote could not recall him giving his exact age, but he spoke of his parents, perhaps leading Kaena to detect some hint of youth. There was some amount of mystery to the other canine, and the hybrid woman couldn't help but be intrigued. They were very near to the clouds now, and the hybrid began to slow her pace, listening as the wheat-colored coyote spoke.

"Didn't think so," the hybrid commented sadly. The old lands were but a memory now, fading fast even in the heads of the canines who still remembered them before the fire. "That place was many years ago," she continued. Perhaps it was older than both of his parents put together, even—the hybrid could not recall just when this place had existed. "Inferni doesn't seem to have that affliction of the packs, thankfully," the hybrid said almost disdainfully. The wolves seemed to bunch up when it was good for their ends and disband at the drop of a hat, as far as Kaena was concerned. That none of the old wolf groups had survived the trip over the mountain was a marvel and a source of immense pride for Kaena. This Inferni was the very same she'd once led herself, she knew it. It was in a different place, but it stood for the same things, the old spirit still breathing and alive in the very core of the clan. Gabriel had imported the coyotes to this land and resettled here, and he'd chosen to keep the name Inferni, picked from the smattering of Latin Kaena's father had taught her in her youth. She recalled few of them even now, but at least one burned brightly still, spat fearfully from the muzzles of wolves as if it was a curse. For that reason alone, perhaps Gabriel was Kaena's favorite son after all, though she would have never admitted such a thing aloud, and such thoughts crossed her mind when she thought of any of her children in a particular light.

As the pair of canines were practically on top of the column of steam now, the air abruptly became rather thick, the same sort of misty grey falling over the hybrid's vision, causing her to halt immediately, inhaling sharply to test the air. There was a vaguely sour smell to it, but after a moment nothing happened, so she assumed it was safe to breathe. The air here was noticably hotter here, and thicker, as if it was simply laden with moisture. It was a mystery to the silver-furred hybrid; she'd never seen anything like this before, and as she reached the edge of one of the pools and hesitated, peering at the murky water as it swirled around. The steam seemed to be rising from the pools around them, and the one-eyed canine could not see to the bottom of any of the pools. "No idea what this is," she commented to Snake, punctuating it with a raspy laugh. It was odd for the Centurion to be perplexed; she was an old canine, and she had seen much in her time. Perhaps if she had not devoted her life to violence she might be a great philosopher or a writer, something of that brainy nature. With her upbringing, however, it was difficult for Kaena to have chosen to seek anything but the blood and life of other creatures.

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