Sing songs of friendship

OOC: Yay! :] Gosh, I know what you mean *moan*

The world seemed to fold around her, till all there was was the morning, the air, the ocean and Alaine. In light of her song the ocean pounded softly, its roar lulled to a soft purr that made the perfect beat. It wasn't until the clear, icy water was in sight that Alaine finally noticed she wasn't alone - From afar, a second voice joined her own. Startled, the young mother's maw clamped shut, her trill shut off sharply as the feo froze, deer-like. Her emerald eyes scanned the surrounding blanket of trees, but there was still only the ocean, Alaine, and that other voice.

It was mimicking her. The same tune sashayed out, unbearably beautiful, as that which had come from her own maw. But now with this strange voice came words, and accompanying those, a rush of memory.

Her mother used to sing that song, when she was a whelp... When her mother was still alive. She had died shortly after Alaine's birth, so the memories were long suppressed, and very foggy. Yet her heart leaped a beat in her chest, floppy collie ears flicking up at the sound. And, suddenly wrapped in nostalgia and wonder, the too-young mother began to head towards the sound. Her voice rose again, till the two female tunes were a duet, strangely perfect and glorious in the cold, crisp air of morning.

" Hey ho and up she rises, hey ho and up she rises, hey ho and up she rises early in the mornin'..."

Perhaps their words were slightly different, but the tune, that glorious tune, was one and the same. Overwhelmed by curiosity, Alaine felt her chest constrict as she realized that the other singer was just ahead. There was a small cluster of pines that had broken of a part of the beach, and through them, the young mother's keen eyes could spot a slender figure. Still singing softly, she approached with a certain air of caution - Bad things had happened to her, and she wouldn't be so foolish and youthful to wander into another dark alley. But this felt... Natural. Like perhaps she and this stranger had always been meant to meet here, this day, this morning, this ocean.

With that thought in mind, and just as the song concluded, Alaine emerged from the shadows of the trees, and stepped out towards the stranger.

The lady was beautifully feminine, clearly very comfortable in her own pelt. There was no shyness, nor any signs of wariness or caution. She had soft, silvery grey hair, and it tumbled and swayed in the ocean's salty wind. A pair of dead blue eyes traveled over Alaine's form, and she shivered... But they did not seem to recognize her for the living thing she was, nor hesitate to see her properly, judge her, measure her. Those clear milky-blue eyes did not see her at all.

" Oh!"

The soft sound of surprise slipped out into the air before Alaine could hold it back, her wary expression now fazed by both shy curiosity and understanding. The other lady, her fellow singer, was blind.

Speak think walk


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