awkward pause and fatal flaws
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She was interested in learning how to do something new, but had been having a lot of trouble with inspiration as of late. Her days were long and lazy, and now she had to suck it up and get back into the routine. Maybe taking the small step of knitting with Hemming would help things a bit. He held up his partway-finished mitten and she gasped, surprised. He was already so much farther than her! She'd really have to work at it!

" do have some interesting colors there. I think I'll take this green. I think I'll start making umm..a scarf..." It was the only thing she knew how to make, and barely even that. Hopefully he would be around when she was ready to cast off, so he could remind her how. She started with the bare needle, winding the string around it to start her first row. "So Hemming...what have you been up to lately?"

table by mel


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