Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'
It is! Big Grin


Gotham was pleased that his mother had the same solution to the lightning problem - it must mean it was a really good idea! He giggled, quite excited by the story they were coming up with. Surely, if they stayed out in the rain long enough, the two wolves could come up with explanations for everything in all the world! They could solve the mystery of how bugs could fly, why the sky was blue except at sunrise and sunset, and how trees could grow so high. The truth of it all might have been beautiful as well, but the boy was finding making up their own truths was even more exciting, and the idea that he had some say in the matter was thrilling. He had no clue where Savina had pulled the name Kalseru from, but he liked the sound of it and nodded enthusiastically in agreement. Her explanation was more than satisfactory as well, and Kalseru reminded him of his mother! A crooked little smile crossed his maw at her statement, and he nodded once more, adding, "'Cause you need the rain to make flowers and grass grow!"


It was clear that Kalseru must go back down when she ran out of water, to soothe her thirst with the ocean's salty water (the saltiness of the ocean compared with the pureness of rain was a dissonance that Gotham didn't pick up on at the time). In that case, did she live alone? Maybe there was a man-dragon to keep her company! And maybe she had lots of little babies! Gotham stared at the rain thoughtfully as he pondered the daily life of the lightning-breathing dragon. After all, it wasn't stormy all the time, so she must be busy doing something on the days that it was sunny. Furrowing his brow and looking at his mother quizzically, Gotham asked, "Do you think Kalseru has a lover?"


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