Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'
Big Grin


Hibernation sounded fairly reasonable, since it didn't rain very much in the winter, but it brought up an obvious question. The youngster didn't fail to voice it, turning to his mother with furrowed brows as he asked, "Kay, but where does the snow come from?" He had assumed it was almost the same thing as rain, because when a snowflake landed on one's tongue it shrivelled up into a little ball of water right away. As it was, the boy couldn't think of any good explanations for snow, and he hoped that his mother could come up with something. They seemed to be quite the story making team, their ideas complimenting each other's and making their mythologies strong in their explanatory power. Gotham would never need to wonder about the rain again! There were a few little gaps in their stories that the pair of black wolves would need to work on, but they were getting close and certainly weren't slowing down.


In many of the story books that Gotham had struggled through, either by himself or with the help of his father, there was a prince or a knight that, in the end, obtained a princess. The boy figured it could go the other way around, too, so he assumed that Kalseru had found a prince that lived with her in her water castle. Once again, Savina had a wonderful explanation, and Gotham nodded vigorously in agreement. "Si! And when he beats his wings he makes all the little waves that come to shore! Maybe sometimes he goes up in the air with Kalseru just to fly around with her and that's why there are high tides and low tides, because he is so big that when he leaves all the water goes down." Maybe he had something to do with snow, too.


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