3:10 to Yuma
I'm not sure how the thread I have with Hezekiah and Haku is going to turn out in DdM, so I will be vague about it. ^^;

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Snake had been searching for the elusive name of his parents’ group for weeks, and the information clicking into place in his brain was apparent when Anselm offered the name. “That’s right,” he said, his tone lifting a fraction as he felt the relief of finally getting the name. He had talked to Kaena about it earlier, but all she could remember with the word ‘Hollow’ in the name had been Celestial Hollow, and that was from ages back. And truthfully the reason for Snake’s being here was just as vague as anything—something along the lines of “why not?” He hadn’t wanted to travel with his parents much longer and when the wanderlust struck him, he remembered some of the stories they told of this place. They had also told him indistinct directions to get there, so it was to Souls he came; there was little more than that to the story.

He dipped his head respectfully as the Caelum expressed gratitude for the news—it seemed as though things were largely quiet for the time being. Snake was not complaining, though he had certainly painted a different picture upon arriving and hearing so many different takes on the neighboring wolves and their aggressive antics towards their distant coyote cousins. The youth, among all others, had no reason to abhor fighting—quite frankly, he believed he had been born and raised for it. If fighting was on the horizon for Inferni, he would ready.

The olive-eyed coyote listened keenly to the older Inferni member’s knowledge, acknowledging that Phoenix Valley was not as belligerent as they had once been, but that Dahlia de Mai was much more of a quietly ticking time bomb. At the mention of Haku Soul, Snake went into some thought. He remembered the journey he and Hezekiah had went on, where they had gotten quite close to the boundaries of the pack and had been eventually thwarted by a mysterious, blue-eyed wolf. “I believe I might know who you are talking about,” he mentioned, though he had no other reasons to believe it was him. Still, he had been pretty asshole-like, and Snake remembered that his scent seemed like that of an established member. He would rather not go back there while his memory was fresh in mind, so he looked to Anselm with a small glimmer in his usually-dull eyes. “If things are so quiet, however, would it be an idea to go and check up on Phoenix Valley? We wouldn’t have to trespass… Just take a quick look.”


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