special guest star
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">durf, durf. for my own reference: occasus promotorium, forward dated a couple of days
@&#&$ His recent excursion had yielded interesting results and wrapped up much quicker than he might have anticipated. Having the two guard dogs to keep tabs on the garage simplified his life greatly. On his trip to Crimson Dreams, he'd learned even more of the atrocities Haku had committed, and he even got to introduce himself to the newest members of the Marino family. Anselm had grown rather fond of that entire crew; in a different life, maybe he'd be amongst their ranks instead of Inferni's.
@&#&$As was customary upon his return to the Inferni lands, he did a quick sweep of the borders. After two joiners had washed up on the beach, he decided to give the less frequented stretches greater attention. Anselm hadn't been to this sunny spot of the land in what seemed like ages--usually nothing even remotely interesting happened here. Today, though, it seemed he was not alone. The secui paused in his steps as he regarded the slight woman curiously; hers was a scent that was strong around the caves. That it was so omnipresent in that region and he'd yet to see her was curious.

@&#&$"Hey," he called out simply, figuring it was polite to alert the woman to his presence. He veered off slightly from their perimeter and began to trot easily towards her.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +222

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