leader plz?-Tell Me What the Rain Knows [J] (open)
Life was very funny indeed. The way he traveled here was an interesting especially for someone who didn’t have money on them. He had traveled from Germany to the Netherlands, then to the United Kingdom and then to Ireland where he got someone with a boat to take him to Canada. Having no money Fritz had to do other things to earn the boat ride but it wasn’t like the coyote cared all too much about it. The journey had been long and it seemed to have taken forever to get to Canada. And then when he was dropped off, the man took his boat and left him alone to face the wilderness. Not that he was scared of the wilderness or anything like that considering his family lived in a more natural way. Besides, his father didn’t believe in things like money or anything of the sort so Fritz doubted he’d be able to get a cent from the man. Aside from being disowned pretty much. If it weren’t for Marik, he probably would be stuck in a dull life of preserving nature and things. It was definitely something the young coyote did not want to do for his entire life.

Tilting his head he noted that the other just mentioned Marik showed up two days ago. That made him wonder about how the other brother got here. Did Cotl come alone earlier on? Hm, he was gonna have to ask why they left their home-when and if Fritz got to see them. “I am not sure. I had to do things differently. I got a man to take me in his boat. All I can say is I am not leaving this place ever. I was seasick half the time. Not fun.” Giggling again he was very excited now. His journey had been a long and exhausting one. Fritz couldn’t stop running though; he knew he had to get far away. There was no way he could as he had to escape, had to leave his home. Hopefully his father didn’t send anyone after him, but if he did well the young coyote wasn’t going to go. He was adamant that he would stay here now and if rejected well, he’ll…manage he supposed. Though, he was rather nervous about attempting to join a wolf pack in the end. They could easily rip him to shreds if they disliked him.

Nodding his head he couldn’t help but smile at those words. “That’s cool. I’m all for mixes.” Despite his father’s ideal of pure bloods, Fritz had always been for mixes and whatnot. As long as it was canine and even then if not, he didn’t care. He counted people for who they were in the inside, not on the out. “I’ll be as loyal as well as…something that lasts a very long time.” Smiling he listened to the other howl and he waited nervously for one of the leaders. He hoped he’d make a good impression on them. Shifting his paws slightly in anticipation he sighed looking down. Maybe he would seem too pathetic to one of the leaders if not both. Ears drooped slightly but he perked up when he saw another canine coming their way. This must be one of the leaders!

His tail out of habit wagged as he spotted her then he felt that nervousness once more. Looking to the ground he pawed the dirt underneath him slightly. “Uhm…. Hello ma’am I’m Fritz Kaiser…” He spoke, trying to hide his nervousness but his shyness beat him to it. Tail was dropped as he tried to control his wagging and he tried his best to look harmless (though he didn’t need help) and not at all wanting to impose on the leader. Of course he really hoped he was acceptable. Despite all the scars and few patches of dry blood he’ll clean off later.

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