I'll stop the world and melt with [you]
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ooc: :] Alaine to the rescue!

Early morning light broke through the thick foliage overhead, it's dim rays casting strange dappled shadows across the forest floor. With the rising of the sun came the soft sounds of life that Alaine adored so; Birds began to sing, their sweet voices lifted in ethereal harmony to cast away the gloomy feeling of a long and bitter cold. Closer to the city, frost had yet to steal the ground, and the young woman was grateful for the warmth her red hooded cloak provided. Winter was on it's way, and with the last of autumn came her final opportunities to stock up on healing plants for the long, dark weeks ahead.

The cream and ivory lady hummed softly to herself, piercing and strangely bewitching eyes spun of jade and emerald scouring the dimly lit land for particular leaves and berries. Finding a neat clump of creeping bellflowers, the dainty healer set about plucking the white stalks from the soft earth, before tucking them away in her fattening pouch. The leather satchel held most of her equipment, and was very precious to the too-young mother. She usually carried it nowadays.

The howl startled her, and the slender collie-woman dropped her collection with a sharp inhale. Her eyes, now wide, scanned much alike a doe as heart fluttered behind her breast. There was a long moment of silence, and then the sound came again, stronger now.

It was a desperate plea for help. Even as she recognized that, the lady was peeling away, ready to run all the way back to where she'd come from, where her son and her newest adoption lay curled with sleep. The urge to return to that safety was overwhelming, but for some reason, she remained perfectly still, waiting till that sound set her heart a frantic flutter again. And then, much to Alaine's shock, her body began to move of it's own accord - TOWARDS the sound! Silent as a hunter she slipped between the trees, pausing only occasionally to press against the rough bark of a trunk and wait for the call again.

Then, there they were. A male, walking briskly as if the day was weaning, not growing, and he had someplace to be. But his face was taught with concentration and worry. He carried a bundle of material in his hands... Bleeding material? She gasped silently as the woman's face was revealed as the man came closer into view, the shrouding shadows parting momentarily to give the young healer a good view. Her stomach clenched; The wound was clearly bad, and she was loosing a lot of blood.

Her brain drew two conclusions. Either the man had hurt her (unlikely, she couldn't see any malice in his expression and he seemed to be carrying her rather courteously) or he was helping her. But the wounded feo would likely die of blood-loss before he reached anywhere...

" Wait- Excuse me! Just wait, right there, Sir."

Soft accented voice was surprisingly strong as she stepped from the shadows, the red cloak hiding her wary expression. She approached with palms held out, just so that the other could see she meant no harm to him or his barely-conscious cargo.

" Please. I can help her. I'm a healer."

Speak think walk
Table © Marit <3


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