green eyes don't lie

OOC: 588 to sosuwrimo

Yeah, I've been to

And I've fallen through the air.

Yeah, this is it. A spring of warm water, and it just recently emerged. the male spoke to

him. Daisuke smiled, already in the water at this point. His tail wagged gently still, and his

oceanic orbs focused on the other male. It recently emerged? So this place wasn't always

here...Daisuke was more excited. This place was new, and it was hidden! He was the

only full blooded wolf to come onto the lands and be in this place. Daisuke could only hope that

some other dumb coyote didn't come over and ruin his and his friends' good time. Daisuke's

question seemed to be ignored for a time, but the other male also seemed to be thinking about

it, so Daisuke did not rush the decision. He was, however very apprehensive of the decision,

excited for it to be made.

Once the decision had been made, there was no word to emerge from the machine's maw.

Instead, the male simply sighed and walked to the bank, and then looked in it. It was only a

small pause before the other slipped his feet in, and then his the rest of his body. Daisuke bent

his knees, and let his knees touch the bottom of the spring, and he let a small content sigh pass

by his lips. Today was such an awesome day. The two males were at peace, and just chilling

really. Daisuke enjoyed the warm water too, this was the only water he was able to go in since

the winter had started, and he was happy that he had been brought here. And he thought he

was going to get bitched at about trespassing again. Shows how much Daisuke knew about

predicting the future.

Daisuke looked to his friend, and then scooted closer to the other. The other looked actually

nervous for some reason, and Daisuke cocked his head at the male before he looked to the

deeper part of the water. Daisuke's oceanic orbs narrowed on the darker part of the water,

which obviously meant that it was deeper at that part of the spring. Daisuke then lifted his knees

from the ground and then swam over into the deeper part. He couldn't help but wonder what

made the machine show this emotion of uncertainty, of nervousness. Daisuke made it to the

center, and turned around to face the other male. It's a hole...

spoke the male, looking down before he actually submerged himself completely to get a

better look. Once he was underwater, the golden male looked down into the hole, but it was

way too deep and dark for him to really see anything but rock and wall. All he knew was that

the water was much warmer over in his spot than it was over by Snake. The golden male didn't

stay submerged for too long, not only because he hadn't taken much of a breath before he had

went under, but also because there wasn't much to look at down there.

The male surfaced once more, his body pushing him back towards his friend.
style="color:#6778b3"> It's just a really big hole. Ya' can't see very far down into it. Can't

touch the bottom..
the islander spoke to the male, figuring that it might be relieving to the

male that it wasn't something dangerous. Snake... he started.

Thanks for bringing me here...I really like it. Ya' know, I can't

swim all the time anymore, now that it's winter, and this is really special to me that you found

this place and decided to bring me here.
the boy spoke, just feeling that he should tell the

boy thanks.

I used to live out...On

the moon...
But now I'm back here down on Earth!


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