When it rains
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OOC: Damn <33 291 to sosuwrimo

I’d like to see the design on the paper she spoke after she seemed to think for a second. While she had been thinking, Cotl had taken back to the rabbit that had been cooking for a good few minutes now, and he took it out of the pan and put it to the side before sliding the next one into the pan and letting it sit there. When she answered with what she wanted to do, he nodded his head, and thought about it for a minute. He needed to get a sketch pad from Halifax, or maybe he could rip a page out of one of his books and just draw on that. He didn't know what to do right at the moment, but he figured that he'd figure it out when he was out gathering supplies again.

He looked back at her and smiled. "Not a problem at all.- FICKEN SCHEISS- I just will have to take a trip to halifax first, sooo, I should have it done in a few days. If I finish it while you are out, then I will put it under your door to your room." the male spoke, telling her what he would do. "But also...before anything else..-FUCKING SHITHEAD ASS BASTARD- Do you have anything to trade?" the male asked, wondering what she might have to offer for a trade of his skill. Nothing good never came without a price, now did it?

Cotl then looked back at the rabbit, kindof wishing that it didn't take this long to sear. The heat wasn't going to get any hotter, so he couldn't make it cook quicker. He sighed lightly to himself as he watched it. Random Question, but Do you know how to ride a horse? he asked, tilting his head towards her.



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