Grave of the Sunflowers
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750 WC/SoSuWriMo
He's an ISLANDER? AHMG. /cold

Strelein almost did a double take over what the tattooed male had said. He suddenly felt as though he himself had a terribly difficult time being clear. It seemed that it was hard for people to understand the meaning of his words despite their clarity in his head. Maybe everything was jumbled up somewhere en route from his mind to the open air before his maw. The redheaded male shook his head as if to clear it of the confusion, or perhaps to get rid of the road block between brain and tongue. Really, was he always so very obtuse? Were his words so bizarrely put together? Was what he said different from what his mind had told him was said?

"Oh... I don't know anyone from AniWaya. I only know a few people here and there, and mostly they're loners or in my pack. I guess I can ask others from back home if they know any AniWaya's." His words were more out loud musing rather than a truly direct conversation at the blond. Truthfully, he had planned for Svara to get him piercings and perhaps help with tattoos, but she had claimed her own life while he had be absent. She had plunged off a cliff, apparently, to a death far below any chance of survival. He heard she had done it and left behind siblings, or children, or something that had been dependent on her in some form. At first he had been so sad to hear that she had passed away, but as time went by, he felt she had taken the easy way out. Life required effort, and sticking through the bad times to get to the good. That was what he did. It helped that he was terrified of the beyond, especially having not enjoyed his life to the fullest. There was so much to experience. Surely Svara had not done everything there was to do. Surely.

"I grew up on lakes, not a freezing puddle of salty, stinging waves!" he exclaimed, eyes widening at the fact Daisuke revealed about himself. "We splashed around a weak pond compared to the roaring rapids you splash in." Strelein gave a visible shudder, almost feeling his hair rising like a cat's would. He would gladly swim in the late spring and through-out summer, but at the end of fall and winter were simply terrifying. What if he got pulled out in the undertow and drowned way out in the middle of nowhere? What a coward he was, and he knew it. Suddenly putting on a fierce face, and probably confusing Daisuke a bit, Strelein mentally slapped himself to quit his whining and fears. He had left his childhood pack and ventured north, braving the unknown. It was time to shut up or run with his tail between his legs.

Examining the ground around him for some form of living life, Strel absently answered the blond's question, "Huh? Not that I'm aware of." He looked up, showing pearly whites in a grin. "Otherwise, crap, I'm in so much trouble. Maybe they'll boot me for being so 'wanderful'." The redhead certainly loved to explore everywhere, and he had really never thought about the consequences or what the pack though. He assumed they did not care as long as he was still loyal to them and did not give away secrets. What secrets? Like they would trust the likes of him. Besides, it seemed as though Jacquez had no real secrets to hide from the other packs. And it seemed like the pack was too new to have a beef with another. "I think I'll be safe though. It shouldn't be too bad when I get back home to my little nest in the Hotel."

Daisuke glanced up, and Strel did too. He was rewarded with a snowflake in the eye, which he winced at despite there being no pain. Then, grinning broadly, he nodded. "Oh man, sure! Though I warn you. I look lean and speedy, but I'm such a slowpoke. I'm like a frozen river, honestly." Truthfully, he had no raced since he was small enough to tumble gracefully or gracelessly, whichever. That had been so long ago that he could not even remember what it felt like to be like a furry rolly-polly bug. "Please go easy on me?" he implored, giving the best puppy eyes he could give, considering he was standing there shivering slightly amidst a flurry of white.

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