Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'
454 words


Gotham didn't know that it didn't snow back in Italy, and that certainly posed a problem! Luckily, his mother quickly explained that away, and the youngster found himself nodding frequently and vigorously. It made total sense! There was a dragon that made it snow, but he needed to stay cold so he didn't melt and couldn't make it cold by himself, so he had to stay where the earth was already cold! Maybe when that snow dragon started to go where it was too warm, or if he got ahead of the cold front, he started to melt, and a thing that Gotham knew as sleet fell from the sky, kind of like snow but melted a little! And maybe, as it got colder and colder, the moisture in the air would cling to the sides of the dragon and he would get bigger and bigger, and capable of making enormous storms! Oh, this explanation was so wonderful that the boy could barely contain his excitement, and his tail thumped happily against the ground.


He was enormously happy that his mother thought his idea was a good one, and his tail thumped against the ground even harder. As she ruffled his fur he grinned and exclaimed, "Yes, we are geniuses!" He giggled a little, pushing against his mother's hand affectionately. The youngster wondered what the humans thought caused the rain and snow and tides, but threw the thought away almost immediately. For the time being, he didn't care what the humans thought, because this idea was more splendid than any human idea could have been! After all, like Savina had said, there was no one as clever as they were, and that must include humans.


When asked what the dragons' names were, Gotham stalled a little, peering out into the rain for a moment. It was impossible to know what their names were for real, and he didn't know any really good names for them, either, so he sat and thought. A few thoughtful noises escaped him before he said, "I think the name of Kalseru's lover is called Tirta. And I think the ice dragon's name is Lumi." He said these names confidently, finding them suitable for one reason or another but unable to say exactly why. "And I think that Lumi is a boy, because the snow covers all the flowers and instead of letting them grow he makes them all..." The boy trailed off here, unsure how to finish. He was young, and this was his first winter. He had seen the snow cover all the flowers, but what happened to them? Were they sleeping or were they.. dead?


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