Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'

     SoSuWriMo 507

     Seeing Gotham nodding so at her explanation of the snow and the ice dragon made her happy as no one but her son possibly could. She wanted nothing more than to be able to connect with her children and to have them think that she was fun to be around. Always she had thought her mother was wonderful company and she wanted to be that for her pups now. No one could ever truly be Amata Marino again; she had been one of a kind. Still, her daughter followed her example closely. After all, it hadn’t been until she had been older that she had realized that most pups had a father as well as a mother. Even then, it hadn’t been until she had found out about her father that she had felt she was missing anything. Amata had been such a wonderful parent that the Marino siblings hadn’t really needed anyone else. Savina was glad that she didn’t have that weight on her shoulders though. Her pups had not only her, but their father that they could always turn to. If anything ever happened to her, he would still be there for them.

     Her son’s excitement was infectious and she found her own tail beating happily against the damp ground. At his exclamation she leaned down and nuzzled his face before licking his muzzle affectionately. “Yes, we are.” He could be anything he wanted to be as far as she was concerned. She knew that he liked the stories of knight and princes and princesses and she wished that Haven were still around. He would be a wonderful companion for Gotham as they loved the same things. If what she had heard was right, the Aatte was even a real bonafide knight now in his new pack. Perhaps she could convince Mati to lure her brother back for a visit so the two could meet. The mother knew that it was be an extraordinary treat for Gotham and immediately she set her mind to making it happen.

     She let him think on the names. It was a tough question to ask, for of course it was something that they couldn’t be certain of. All they could do was come up with names that seemed like they fit and ascribe them to the magical beasts of their imaginations. Savina waited silently, not wanting to make a noise to disturb his thoughts. The names he spoke were new to her ears, but they did seem to fit the two dragons quite nicely. “Those are good names, I think they fit.” Like her son, she couldn’t say why, but there was some quality about them that just seemed to work. As he trailed off in his reasoning for Lumi being a male Savina rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. “They die, sadly. Well, most of them. There are some that survive through the winter, like the trees do.” Telling such a thing to either of her daughters would greatly upset them, but she wasn’t entirely sure how Gotham would react.


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