the wizard and i
WC: 903

Things returned to normal. It was easy to see that Naniko wasn't in the least bit fazed. That was something that she honestly had always admired about the white wolfess. She always seemed to have a level head, even if the world was crashing down around her. Geneva recalled that even when they had spoken in Halifax all those months ago, Naniko had had a sort of sense of serenity about her. Naniko had the innate qualities of a leader. She was charismatic and at least on the surface seemed collected and in control of her environment. Although she was no longer in a leadership position, Geneva felt comfortable going to Naniko with any questions she had.

Motherhood seemed to suit the white woman very well. Geneva felt a tinge of envy as she watched Naniko with her daughter, but it was easy for her to swallow. Past months had left her friend surrounded with such heart break; Geneva would never begrudge her friend that miracle that had come out of this mess. It wasn't the most common situation, with Ehno dividing his time and attention between his family and his pack, but both parents seemed to make it work, which was all that mattered really.

The Savant whispered her deceased daughter's name within her mind. It was a word emblazoned across her heart, sacred and secret like a prayer. She often wondered what life would be like if Shea had survived. But she hadn't even lived to see a full day, sun rise to sun set. Still, the time she had spent with her daughter had been a gift, the most precious one she had ever been given. She did not know if children were in the cards for her right now, at least not immediately. She did not know if she was in a place where she could properly handle them.

Besides, Phoenix Valley was quietly flourishing, which was another blessing for her. Naniko's litter was blessedly healthy, and another couple within Phoenix Valley had recently given birth. She had not yet had the opportunity to congratulate Xeris and Pendzez, but she made a mental note to seek the duo out. She wondered if she could convince Jefferson to accompany her while she tended Nani's children. She remembered how he had been with Addison; the love he had for that girl was so clearly evident. And the look in his eyes when he had spoken of his own children, now grown and part of a complicated time in his life. Certainly, there must be something inside of him that would love any children they had together. But truth be told, she could have him and that would be enough. And they were still new to each other, and had plenty of time to figure each other out.

"You know Jefferson, the perrenial grouch," she said, but her words were not unkind. She was aware that the two had not gotten off on the right foot, but that remained between the both of them to rectify. She was certain that Naniko did not take to that kindly, but she did not necessarily hold it against him. And Jefferson probably hadn't even registered the fact that their exchange had left any sort of impression upon the white wolfess. Naniko and Jefferson were the two adults that she held closest to her chest, although she was growing to love Naniko's children as well as they grew into their personalities. "I wonder what he would be things would be, if we had children of our own," Geneva confessed in a soft voice, just a passing thought. But she felt comfortable sharing that side of her with the emerald eyed woman.

"I imagine that she is taking to dry food just fine," Geneva said with a hint of a smile. Caprica certainly was...sturdy. She wasn't necessarily obese because her frame was also larger, but there was no doubt that the child was definitely big. However, Geneva knew that Naniko was doing everything possible to make sure that her children were healthy. This had to be natural, it just had to be. Geneva had been born delicate and small, the small-boned runt of the litter who had never really reached a normal full grown size. Caprica, on the other hand, had been born larger to begin with, and Naniko was also muscular and curvy. Things would even out with more age and growth.

Caprica began to chase her tail, and Geneva immediately began to worry that she would crash into something and hurt herself. She planted a small gray hand on the child's rump and suggested an alernative. "Would you like us to tell you a story, Caprica?" she asked, then shifted her eyes to Naniko. She was certain that the Locum knew several stories, as she had probably told them to her first litter. Geneva knew many stories because she loved the written word with a passion unrivaled by most. The woman racked her brain for a story they might both know. It was great being able to spend time with Naniko. In a way, Geneva felt included in this little family unit. And she craved that sort of connection and wanted to spend more time with Nani anyway. There had to be a story that they could tell together. "Do you know the story about the Wicked Witch of the West, Naniko?"


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