Ordinary Riches

SSWM - 639

The female thought of sleep very little and rarely these days. It was such a secondary idea, and even in the depths of the night Anu was alert and bright as she looked at the midnight colored female. It was easy for Anu to slip from the moment and look back at their history. It had been a rocky one, but their friendship had never been in question. Not even when they disagreed (though the was rare) or when the world around the shook and crumbled (which was far more often). They had been able to wage war against those that had threaten to hurt the pack, some even internal, and they had been able to carry each other out of personal turmoil. Anu would not forget the kindness and understanding Savina had shown her, and had and would again show her the same without question. Together they had raise pups beneath the Manor’s roof, and both helped the youths grow into well adjusted adults (or close to it). There was little that the pair couldn’t accomplish and Anu was grateful to have such support close at hand.

They stood at either ends of the table and Anu smiled at the Commander as she greeted her. No, she shook her head, sleep was so very far away. The female that held her bed would own it until she was well, and Anu did not enjoy sleeping with a secret and was ready to unleash the small truth to her leader. It was no doubt nothing Earth shattering for Savina, for she understood Anu and her preference. But it was the news of Haku and the position he had taken for himself that was going to rock the boat. To put it casually.
“Not tonight.” Anu answered, meeting Savina’s smile with her own. Sleep would need to wait for the two, and Anu had glad to have found the mother alone, even if at such an hour and during such a storm. The snow would pile up along the porch and against the doors, and they would need to dig themselves out. But, that was only normal for the northern region.

Blue eyes followed the dark female’s finger to the map before them, looking at the shoe shaped picture and then following it back to where they stood. Anu had never seen such a large map, nor had she cared to examine one till this eve. She leaned in, wondering how small they much be in order to fit on the piece of paper.
“You came all that way?” Anu commented. It was so far, and to think that there might be others that traveled further. It had been on a ship, and yet had she been shipwrecked? The idea that one would travel that far on a ship was mind boggling and then to believe that one had simply ridden the waves in order to arrive along the shores of Canada was too much for Anu to wrap her brain around this late at night, alert or not.
“And to think Ehno and Ghita made it as well.” Anu wondered with a soft smile.

Delicate hands moved the next map out from under the corner of the one Savina examined. The world was something Anu could never understand, something that her mind would not likely be able to comprehend. The map of the country they inhabited unfolded along the edge of the table, though Anu could not read the writing.
“Is this where we are?” She asked with curiosity. She could almost count the paw steps it would take to get to Dahlia and the hours one would need at a run, a trot and a lazy walk. But she wanted to see their borders and know where their own where. She hoped Savina would be able to explain.


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