Rainy day women #12&35
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">o hay this is getting weird. two different time lines in the same post XD
@&#&$Anselm had thought little of her "problem" from the first day they met; she'd always struck him as such a collected, kind woman. He couldn't help but feel any situation that merited such an extreme response from the typically docile Italian was justified. While he couldn't really guess the significance of "Brigadier General" relative to anything else (all the other packs' ranking systems confused him), it certainly sounded impressive. "To take any wolf hostage during a time of peace is outrageously stupid, period," he asserted--the notion of him getting mad at her was just ridiculous. "When did all of this happen?" he wondered; it had to have been during his absence, right? He would've noticed if such madness were taking place under his nose, wouldn't he?
@&#&$Needless to say, when he found out just how close of a call it had been he was more worried than anything. A soft whine rose in his throat, and he couldn't help but lean over and nudge her gently with his snout. "That all sounds needlessly fucked up," he concluded with a rough sigh as he sat back in his seat. He was really curious about what Hybrid had done to change her comrade so--but since she hadn't confessed this already, he assumed she did not want to talk about it. Though these dour, dire topics scarcely brought butterflies to his stomach or caused his heart to well with joy, he was glad that they were getting everything out in the open. Anselm liked to know what all of the members of his clan were doing and he knew most of them wouldn't bother to report incidents like these. Politics and drama aside, he thought it said something for their friendship.

@&#&$He was somewhat surprised to hear that she knew of Firefly, but he simply nodded in confirmation as the name was spoken. That they were related (vaguely) through her mate was also intriguing; he wondered if it was weird that he didn't know who this man was (other than one lucky devil). Anselm wasn't usually nosy when it came to other people's personal lives, but as he grew closer to the Marinos he couldn't help but wonder about the other wolves in their lives. What was Ghita's mate like? What about Savina's children? He really would have to go out of his way to visit some day, even if such an excursion was a little inefficient for his tastes.
@&#&$On Haku he only offered a solemn nod. This whole conversation got him wondering how many people didn't know about the demon Dahlia harboured. Maybe if everyone was more aware, they'd finally band together and insist something be done about it. Then again, what right did they have to tell Cercelee how to run her own pack? It was preposterous; they were all sovereign entities with their own rules and rights. Surely if anyone came into Inferni and told Gabriel to give one of his members the boot, he'd look at them as if they were barking mad. This made it no less frustrating, however--couldn't they all see? Were they blind to it? Did they just not care? Or did they know... but they were too afraid to do anything? That was an unsettling thought.
@&#&$His ears had twitched in surprise at the small yip she let out, though he supposed lighters were fairly magical to the uninitiated. The little outburst seemed to pass, however, but he couldn't help but shoot her a quizzical look. As the effects of the drug took greater hold over his mind, he exhaled slowly and waved his hand. "Yeah; no worries," he reassured her. He didn't want her to be too stressed out before her first hit (supposing that were even possible, given what they'd just discussed)--the drug could cause anxiety in some cases, but he had never had that issue. He at least hoped she felt safe and secure in the garage and in his company--if anything came up, he'd probably defend her with more heart than a good chunk of his psychotic clan-mates.

@&#&$"Okay, try playing with the lighter first. The trick is to flick your thumb quickly over the flint," he said, indicating it with a nail, "then depress the fuel switch as you do. I can always hold it for you if you want, too." Here he handed her the lighter before going on to explain the anatomy of the bowl. "You see this hole here? You plug it up with your finger and pull until you fill the chamber with smoke. Don't suck too hard, though, or you'll get a mouth full of ash," he said, nose crinkling to show that it was one of those "yucky" indesirable things. "To start, I'd advise taking a smaller hit... you can always take more later, and if you go too big you might wind up coughing a lot. The trick is to inhale fresh air on top of the smoke once you've inhaled. It needs to get deep in your lungs to work--holding it in your mouth won't do much." That about covered it, or so he thought--a curious glance as he handed it over: questions?

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +868

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