octane twisted - leader needed

OOC: ::Word Count:: 501

The silver-furred Centurion looked to Hybrid, her single-golden eye sizing him up. Kaena knew that Hybrid was capable of acting rashly, but she honestly believed he understood Gabriel's policy. She knew he would not attack a potential joiner; as far as his abrasive manner went, she knew he would not underestimate the need of the clan to add to its membership. For whatever she knew of Hybrid's head, she knew he was not stupid, and him attacking someone for no reason at all, especially so close to Inferni, did not leave her with a good feeling.

Strange uneasiness passed over her as the Hydra worked his way to his feet, dusting himself off almost disdainfully as he spoke of the other canine with several choice words. With her suspicions already ingrained into her head, Hybrid's words merely confirmed what she'd already guessed, and she turned to the other canine as he spoke, lifting a brow and sneering at him. His words were laced with a strange accent, unfamiliar to Kaena. She had never met Rurik or any of his sons save Zaets, and she'd only spoken to Zaets briefly before Vitium had busted up that particularly fun party. Beyond that, the silver-furred canine had never met anyone to speak with a Russian accent; she could not possibly place it. Her golden eye narrowed and glittered as she peered at the invading canine, taking a stiff-legged step toward him. He did not smell of any packs, true—but the virtue of being a loner did not absolve the hybrid of his trespassing sin.

His half-breed nature was apparent enough to Kaena, after all—she was particularly adept at picking out coyote blood, perhaps thanks to the varying percentages and appearance of her own mutt children. She could hardly hold mixed blood against anyone, true, but there was a definite difference between herself and someone like Talon, someone who chose the pack's lifestyle. Kaena had taken her wolf half and ripped him out, tearing him by the roots from her mind. She was not a wolf. "By the looks of it, I'd say you're well on the wrong side of the border," the coyote said with a sneer, flicking her tail as she sized this one up. He was particularly large for a coyote hybrid, she thought. Perhaps he was descendant of some wild canine from halfway around the world, some breed of dog rather than wolf—after all, Kaena was only truly experienced with coyote and wolf blood. Her own smidgen of dog was hardly enough to give her a keen eye for those kinds of hybrids. Still, he'd broken the law, and by her book she owed him nothing now. "Tell you what, kid," the silver-furred coyote said, taunting him. "Bring us back a nice chunk of wolf, and we'll let you in our little clubhouse here." The silver-furred hybrid said, teasing the hybrid. "Go on now, find us something nice," she said. It was the last warning Silas would get.

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