i still believe in summer days
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... atable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OOC: That's okay, I know you were actually waiting for the SoSuWriMo to start Wink ::Word Count:: 600+

The wind had calmed down somewhat, or at least that was what the pristine-coated she-wolf thought as she sat down on the cold earth, patiently taking in everything she could see, allowing her amber eyes to pause here and there to relish a particularly interesting aspect of pack lands from quite an impressive distance. The white was so overwhelming that it almost blinded the equally blanched female, forcing her to drop her intense gaze from time to time, leaving her staring at her own lap, covered by her red cloak, all the while the shriek of the wind pounding against her eardrums, not because of the intensity of the noise it caused, but because of the speed with which it swept the wide, barren plateau. Urma had been sitting by herself for some time before the wind finally relented its anger and died down, so that everything was quiet around the alabaster femme. This allowed her enough time to gather her thoughts, which where as bleak in the conclusions they offered as the landscape before her. It felt disillusioning that there was nothing good that came out of her ceaseless day-dreaming, her stubborn returns to memories she should have long shunned away. But the pale Crimson Dreamer supposed this was only logical, considering her memories mostly comprised of actions with negative outcomes, and this thought gave her reason to doubt any help would be found in her recollections. As she surveyed the lands of her pack, snapshots of her homeland playing slowly through her mind, like a vinyl record, she knew she had to start looking towards the future, to start giving herself the trust and credit moving forward entailed.

Urma shifted positions a bit, her legs growing numb because of her lack of any kind of movement, rubbing them with her hands to stimulate blood circulation. She then leaned back a bit, pulling her legs out from underneath herself and bending them at the knees, then hugging them closer to her chest, keeping her hands wrapped tightly around them. The hood was blown from her head, and she pulled it back up, but she was not fast enough to avoid the wind caressing the nape of her neck and sending a chill down her spine. She shivered a bit as she made herself comfortable once more, feet pulled up so that she was now curled up into a speck of red against a sea of white. The snowflakes danced to their own rhythm all around her, enveloping the solitary Crimson Dreamer in a web of diamond-shaped specks of white. She closed her eyes, trying to remember the big, fat snowflakes of Greenland, but a shuffle like that of feet prompted her to open them again. Her amber orbs rested on the figure of Ehno, taking a seat down beside her in a comfortable-looking manner. Her face broke into a smile, glad to see the male happier than he had seemed the first time they had met. "It is quite a view! Not one many venture to see, especially on a weather like this. What brings you all the way to the top of the world?" Her face was radiant with the pleasure of seeing him, something she knew would prevent him from thinking he was bothering her. Although Urma had followed the long trek here in hopes of time to gather her thoughts away from her den, she had by no means been looking for time on her own. She had plenty of that in her den under the bushes close to Rabbit Lake, so there was no need for any additional journey to ensure that. Then suddenly her thoughts returned to the Marino, her ears perked up, curiousity and affection welling up inside her, and she asked, her voice shaking with emotion, "How are the little ones? How are you and Naniko?"


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