leader plz?-Tell Me What the Rain Knows [J] (open)
Word Count: 657

He grinned at Anselm’s response, but only spoke with a wag of his tail. However he kept quiet, wanting to show his respect in any form he can. It was so hard for the young coyote to keep himself from bursting with joy. Maybe he has really found his pack after all! Keeping his demeanor calm and non-threatening he really was trying. That was a good thing wasn’t it? Sure his father back home would have been disgusted by his show of submissiveness but ah well. Who cared what that old dog thought of anyway? Smiling timidly toward the two he felt happy here anyway. Anselm seemed like he was a new friend and the female seemed nice as well! He was certain she was. It was hard for Fritz to doubt people. Indeed he was an oddball of a coyote having faith in others and finding the good in all if he can. Which he always could at some point-though back home he wasn’t sure if there was any goodness at all.

Feeling his cheeks grow hot he hoped it didn’t seem weird a third German entered the lands. If it was weird he’d understand them not trusting him. Especially if it involved a certain Marik-but ah, one could say Fritz was a Marik fan boy. However winter never bothered him, he actually liked the coldness compared to the hot muggy summer days he had experienced. Living in the dark forests of Germany also helped him getting used to the cold. And though he was a bit worse for wear looking, he would fix himself up so he wouldn’t be too much a burden on them. That was something he didn’t want to be ever again was a burden. He was going to dedicate himself to this pack and maybe bring a little sunshine into the gray winter. Besides, he thought Canada was rather beautiful from what he has seen and was content to stay even if rejected.

Luckily for Kaena, Fritz wasn’t one of those who plead extreme cases or would use pity to get their way. In fact he hated being pitied on and probably wouldn’t ever mention his past to anyone. In fact he was going to push it out of his mind and begin a new life here, forgetting everything that happened if he could do so. Tail wagged slightly out of habit as the leader spoke. His coyote ears perking up as he listened to her intently, a gaze of complete joy could be seen and it was obvious he was shaking from excitement. Oh he was trying his best to keep himself from tackling her with licks to. Must not tackle with licks! “Well I’m fairly good at using natural resources for medicine. I learned from the shaman in my old pack. I am also fairly good at baby-sitting. And even though I am not the strongest, or the most graceful being out there I will try really hard. This I can assure you. You’ll probably get sick of me bothering you all with asking what I can do to help.” He grinned knowingly because he knew that was what was going to happen.

“But I think otherwise that’s pretty much it.” He spoke happily, his tail wagging to and fro as he spoke. Really he was going to try his hardest to help out if they would accept his offer. At his old pack no one would give him the time of day except to remind him of how useless he was. Only the shaman and the pups made him feel not so useless. But now he can change all that here. And prove that he’s not just another worthless run trying to pass through life without doing a single thing. Besides, doing nothing was really boring and he honestly could not do anything with all the energy he seemed to carry. Being the overly hyperactive creature that he is.

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