
What did they do for fun back in the Valley? Most of his members were well acquainted with each other; there were a few playful types that stuck together, but what they did exactly for fun was beyond him. It was... "unfortunate" that Jefferson could not frolic and giggle along with his members, but at the same time, none of his underlings was exactly expecting such a thing out of them. Jefferson was content knowing that his members felt safe under his leadership. Leg or no leg, Jefferson was dedicated to ensuring the Valley borders. If he was nothing else, he was definitely vigilant.

The cyclops smirked at Ember's sarcasm; she was one of few, all in all, that he didn't mind the energy of. Other characters he'd met were simply exhausting in their enthusiasm, but Jefferson found that he did not have to tolerate Ember, so-to-say, so much that he simply enjoyed her company altogether. In a way, he appreciated the optimistic outlook she had, and believed her members were lucky to have a leader as such. "That's right, we're all a bunch of sticks in the mud back home," he snorted, green eye rolling though he was clearly amused.

He shrugged his shoulders some, smile widening. "I figured you bunch had visited us enough, it was about time I came to see AniWaya for myself. I don't know a hell of a lot about what you guys focus on, but I've heard some interesting things about spirits and shit." He grinned, a level of curiosity evident in his eye.


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