special guest star
SSWM 247

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While Anselm presented each tattoo, Vieira watched them and considered how they looked. They were neat but weird to her. She had no idea how they were applied to a canine's fur or skin but she did not imagine it was very pleasant. The piercing of her septum had been uncomfortable, even if she could not remember the pain exactly. When it was tugged on or she was dragged around by the piece of jewelry, it stung and made her eyes water. "Do they... did they hurt?" she asked cautiously, as if she was afraid of the answer and she was not entirely sure why she wanted to know. Kaena had a tattoo, she realized, but she did not know the relevance of it.

"Anselm," she repeated softly and her ears twitched upon her head. "My name is Vieira Lykoi," she introduced. "I belo—" she stopped and her ears fell back in defense and she reconsidered suddenly. The responses she got to this in the past had not been comfortable and while she knew she needed to tell the truth, she wanted to relax. "I live with Kaena Lykoi," she corrected a second later with little hesitation. Part of her had expected the other to already know about her, it had been over a month know since she arrived, but he did not recognize her right off the bat as Gabriel had weeks ago.

Maybe her name rang a bell and she braced herself for his reaction.


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