we have more than the rivers that run our land
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table4.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Your table is so pretty! WC: 582

If there was one thing that she really liked about the territory, it was the coastline. Nani would spend hours by the ocean if she could, and she often took the pups out to see the waves. She wanted them to experience everything that Phoenix Valley had to offer them; in her last litter two had left and two had stayed with her. She was hoping that all of these pups would choose to remain in Phoenix Valley so that she might continue to help and guide them through their lives. She had always wished that her mother was around when she was a pup, to answer those hard questions about life that she had needed answered. Things about growing up, becoming a real pack member, about boys (and maybe about girls too), and other important questions.

Her real mother had taken off with her father and left Naniko without parents at a very young age. They'd left her in the care of a wolf named Physe Revlis, a surrogate father-figure for her. She had been adopted by Iskata around a month later, but just when she was getting to the stage where she would want to ask those questions her new mother had disappeared as well. The white wolf wanted to be there for any question that any of the pups would have as they grew up and matured, for them to know that she would always be there for them no matter what. Family didn't abandon family when things got hard.

So much had changed since the days before the fire. She had spent a majority of her live over the mountain in Chimera and Crimson Dreams, but she so much more had actually happened here. Her head could only hold a certain amount of memories and with every new one she lost one of her older ones, it seemed. Maybe she had a problem with memory, from her fall as a child. She had problems remembering much about Clouded Tears besides the really important stuff...Conri, Davinci, and keeping her place in the pack. The only thing she worried about nowadays was where the children were at. And that was usually pretty easy to guess...they were somewhere in the valley. Harlowe was with her almost 24/7, a silent companion, so she always knew where he was. But Rio had started to go out more on her own.

Today the white wolf sat on her front step with her long herding stick, Harlowe and Caprica nodding off beside her, one step down. It was a warmer day, much warmer than days or nights previous, and Caprica's dark coat was catching the rays of the sun, warming her up even more. This made the puppy feel nice and sleepy. Harlowe had taken advantage of his sister's warm black coat and was laying across her with his head over her back, picking up on it. The only male pup's coat was a sandy brown, normal timberwolf colors. His eyes had lost their puppy-blue, taking on Ehno's amber coloration, though.

She was about to pick them up and head back inside when she heard her own name being called and froze, green eyes searching about. Someone was around here who knew her. She considered taking the pups inside, unsure of who the owner of the voice was, but chose to stand in front of them instead, blocking them from view. "I'm here...but who's calling?" She called into the somewhat foggy air surrounding her cabin.

Table by Lin

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