junkie without an addiction

SoSuWriMo 523

Cambria couldn’t imagine where she would be if she didn’t have her mother and father. She would be a lot worse off than she already was, as far as her self confidence and shyness were concerned. Even with their loving support it was hard for her to trust people she didn’t know. Though that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, easily trusting strangers wasn’t a very good quality to have. It was however hard for the girl to even talk to them unless upfront they showed her that they were nice and meant her no harm. After having such a good experience with Rurik one would have thought that she might be more willing to give people she didn’t know the benefit of the doubt right off the bat, but it wasn’t the case. Rurik had been nice, but that didn’t mean the next stranger would be as well. Hopefully as she grew she would be more open to such things, but for now this was just how she was.

Hurting things was never something she wanted to do. The Marino was a tender heart and she respected every living creature. Even if she accidentally trampled a plant she would feel bad about it. Some bugs she wasn’t so compassionate towards, like spiders. Spiders were very scary creatures. So were the bugs with lots and lots of legs. They gave her the creeps. Even then though she was too scared to do anything about them herself and had to search for someone’s help to either shoo the creatures away from her or to squash them. She preferred the shooing option, but sometimes the other was a sad necessity. “It’s pretty easy. I kept Leafy in a jar and put some sticks in it so he could crawl around. Everyday I’d bring him fresh leaves and grass to eat and some water. Then he went into his cocoon and he didn’t eat anything. When he came out as a butterfly I watched as his wings opened up and then I took his jar outside and let him fly away.” It had been pretty easy, aside from the letting go part. She wanted something else to take care of now, she just didn’t know what.

The pretty dress was offered up to her and Cambria gently took it, looking it over and rubbing her fingers over the fabric. The first thing she wondered was how it would feel on. It would certainly be a weird sensation. She couldn’t think about that too much though as Princess began to instruct her as to how to put the garment on. As Princess demonstrated with the spare dress Cambria followed the motions, unzipping the back and placing it on the floor while stepping into it. Carefully she pulled the dress up, feeling it tug against her fur. With some effort she finally got her arms through the holes. One arm stretched behind her to feel for the zipper, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to get it on her own. “Yeah, I need help with the zipper thing,” she said as she turned her back to Princess.


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