Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'

     SoSuWriMo 401

     It was definitely their combined efforts that were making this so fun and inventive. Their eyes saw the world in different lights because of their ages if for no other reason. Gotham still had that puppy mind that allowed him to bend the fabric of reality easily and be content with such fanciful explainings. He had also had the mind to think of how to explain the causes of the tides and waves though, which she hadn’t even thought of. They were able to pick up the slack when one of them ran out of ideas, the perfect team. She was so happy that he enjoyed spending time with her. He was getting to that age where he would want to do things on his own more and more. Sometimes kids even got embarrassed by the affection that their parents lavished on them at this point. It didn’t seem to be the case with her son though, and she was thankful for that. It was in her nature to be affectionate and she hoped that he would never tire of that. He was her prince and she would do everything she could to keep their bond as strong as it was now.

     It didn’t seem to surprise her son that the flowers died, but he did think it was sad. Winter could be awfully depressing with everything withering away or leaving. The leaves fell off the trees, the flowers died, many of the birds few south to avoid the frigid cold. Being a wolf of warmer climates she couldn’t help not enjoying this time of year all that much. The only good thing was you could snuggle up next to your loved ones for warmth. The next question that Gotham posed was one that even she couldn’t think of an answer to. How did the plants that died come back once the earth warmed again? In Italy they had just always lived and so there was no mystery. Here things were different. “You know, I’m not really sure,” she had to admit. “Perhaps there’s a dragon for that too, or some other creature. They could save seeds during the winter and then in the night when everyone is asleep and spring comes they plant them.” It would have to be at a time when not many were up and about otherwise she felt certain that such a creature would be spotted.


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