Ordinary Riches

SSWM - 756
old ladies xD

Long ago she belonged to Jaded Shadows, when she was but two years old, then as if light as a leaf she had been swept away and gone from the Bleeding Souls lands. The time away from the mountain had not been for waste, for she had gone to be with her ill and dieing father. Upon her return to the Shadow pack she found life changed and yet not surprisingly or for the worse. It was after a year among the Jaded wolves that Anu parted to travel away before the fires could engulf the lands and destroy everything that she had known.

Memories of her journey to these lands were hazy, blurred at best. Of course she remembered joining the Valley pack, though the ties she created there were few and loose. She had left with only a small amount of sadness in her heart, and mainly guilt. But before then, those years were so very unclear. She didn’t even know if she had traveled north or south. If it was south, it was not by much since her one crystal clear memory of those times were of a freezing cold winter. Snow that could drown, and ice that would swallow a wolf whole. She hadn’t thought she would survive, and she believed it was the next summer that she had sought the comfort of ‘Souls and of a pack.

And now, she was here. Standing beside the raven woman in the cozy library. Books lined the walls, rarely touched by the Lt. General’s hands. There were times where she had grown curious to know what she could find between the leather bindings, but in the end Anu let her curiosity grow fat and happy beyond the Manor walls. The outside world was a greater adventure then any book could provide, or so Anu assumed. Fantasies could be blossomed from her imagination, and from stories told with words and songs. But there were weak moments where she wished to know what she might just be missing, and if she ever came to truly understand what could be learned the gardener would begin her studies of the written word.

Anu smiled at Savina’s playful words. Of course, the pack would certainly been in poor shape if the two females took to being constantly drowsy and continuously taking naps throughout the day. It would be a sad sight, the two wolfesses asleep in armchairs like old ladies. If that began to happen the two would have to take up knitting and get a few fat cats. Instead, they would need to sleep the next night, and as Anu looked at the comfy chair in the corner she found the place she would sleep once Savina retreated to her room.

Eyes looked down at the map, her worries reigniting. The world was so large, and there were so many that had come from the other side of it. The flat map made her eyes moved from one end to the other and Anu looked at the large countries outlined in black with the names scripted inside. It was a coincidence or an accident that she had made it here, but for Savina and the other Marinos and those that had sailed here, it was a miracle.

Nova Scotia, Anu thought as she looked to the smaller map. She followed the Commander’s finger, looking at the coast and following it northward through the lands that they had claimed. A small misshapen dot sat on the map with a word printed beside it, Anu pointed to it, “The lake.” She commented, as the splatter of ink was blue in shade. Looking eastward, the female saw a line snake down paper. Dahlia had a river, a large one that Anu had encountered time and time again. She became serious, her features hardening and the normally calm soul found that her heart was beating rapidly. It was close as she looked at the small paper. The world had looked big, but this map seemed so much smaller. She didn’t want it to be that close.

Anu took a deep breath, and her eyes lifted to the face of her friend.
“Savina,” she spoke in case the woman was engrossed in the old papers.
“Haku has taken over Dahlia.” The phrase was said, and now perhaps she would be able to sleep knowing that she no longer held the news herself. Savina knew that the Dahlia male was a monster, and Anu waited in silence for the Commanders thoughts on the matter.


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