sulphur and flint.

OOC: Omg I love Steampunk things! <333 Jacoby made my delicious tables. Tongue and my stupid dyslexia made me think for the longest time that Anselm's name was actually Anselem. XD and Sorry for the wait!


As the other coyote asked who Cassius had mistook him for, his own suspicion had gone away, becoming more comfortable around this other pack mate. "Aw, I just thought you was just someone dangerous. This freaky mist has got me seeing things." He chuckled nervously, adjusting his flannel in a tell tale fashion. The coyote seemed particularly interested in the goggles he kept sitting on his head. He slid them off his head, untangles his hair which was still an absolute mess, and showed them to him. "Well, these right here are my goggles. I use 'em for my work. Y'know I make stuff, mechanic stuff. Everyone else thinks it's all boring but I like it. My cousin says I'm real qualified for it."

Now he decided to shift the focus from him. "You know what this place is? It feels real creepy. Like someone could jump you from behind and you wouldn't see nothin'." It was a little scary to talk about getting attacked in your home territory, but it was all Cass had to say. He wasn't especially good with conversations. He shifted the topic once again. "I'm Cassius, or Cass fer short. What's yer name? What kind of stuff do you do?

Word Count: 200+


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