love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden

     Lmao XD SoSuWriMo 371

     Similar thoughts were now, and often had over the past couple months, running through her mind. The fates had been kind enough to bring them all together in this land that was so very far from the place where they had been born. Savina had always thought it was fate that had done that for it seemed so far fetched that the three of them could have come here on mere coincidence. But now they were showered with such hardships the likes of which were worse than any they had faced in Italy, and they had had their share of problems there as well. It was unfair for them to be set against one another, unfair for Ehno to have the two sides of his family separated in different packs, unfair for them to each have to miss important events in one another's lives. She had no idea what it was they had done to cause such events to be rained down upon their heads, but she hoped that the storm was over and soon they would see the sun again.

     His surprised matched her own when she had found out, however her's had been more growled than high pitched. It had been unfortunate of the dark Knight to waltz upon the two sisters at the moment that he had and he had learned that quickly enough with Savina's sharp words. All she could do was to nod and confirm that indeed the words she had spoken were truth. "Era a me come bene." With Ehno's next statement she knew that her skepticism and judgment would not be the only ones Jazper would have to face. Although it would be a little bit more hypocritical coming from her brother, and that was something she never would have expected. "Non erano. Questi cuccioli erano altrettanto una sorpresa come suo proprio erano." It took a bit of effort to keep the bitterness out of her voice, but she managed it for the most part. The last thing she wanted was to start another argument, but there was really no other way to explain what had happened between their sister and Jazper. Another foolish decision that had ended with consequences the participants hadn't expected.


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