a fever coming on.
OMG LOL MOST INSANELY LONG POST EVER. WAY TO GO. I am honored to have received it. X: And yeah, we can probably fade this out in a post or two. 827

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If Snake had met Lolita on more pleasant terms—as he had rather found her in the grips of insanity, to where she fell out of the tree she was in and eventually ended up attacking a curious Snake—he would probably have regarded her differently than Kaena. He was somewhat superstitious, he had inherited that from his mother, but he believed that death was when you usually separated from this world. Whatever came after that was up in the air for him… but he did know that there were things in this world not so easily explained. Actually, these warm waters that they soon discovered were one of those things. Someone could tell him that it was a vent of water warmed by flowing molten rock beneath the earth’s crust, but he might just stare. He thought it was probably much more theoretical that this was a pool that led directly down to where the Devil sat himself… or at least it was heated by witchcraft, like a bubbling cauldron. Yes, his views on religion and superstition and science were garbled and muddled into whatever seemed to make sense to him.

Regardless, Snake would never have wished for immortality. Quite frankly, he had been brainwashed at a young age to not really regard living or dying as any big deal, if one could believe that. Patriot had always wanted soldiers that would die for him without a second thought—this had been instituted in Snake early; he did not fear death. Sometimes he thought that death was simply a journey to another battlefield, where he would die again, fighting, and that that would cycle endlessly. Once a soldier, always a soldier. Once a killer, always a killer.

Truthfully Kaena and Patriot might have had a lot to talk about—they might have even been friends. Snake’s past mentor and father-figure had mostly trusted in his own flesh and blood, surrounding himself with a garrison of sons and daughters. He had tried to do that with Snake and Foxhound, which was ironic enough—they did not share any of his blood. But three of his closest henchmen were his sons and Snake’s half-brothers: Rex, Ray, and Zero. Three hybrids that Snake hoped never to meet again. They were each worse than the last.

He distracted himself from those old thoughts of his, trying to focus on the new; for he no longer lived in New Haven, and he had no plans to ever go back—he was an Inferni coyote now. Kaena seemed pleased with his interest in the history, her golden eye glittering and a smile forming on her scarred features. She did manage to figure out if he had a sense of humor or not, for he remained impassive as she jested; he didn’t catch whatever sarcasm or laughter in the comment and question. He had indeed heard that Inferni had moved across the mountains, and he simply nodded his angular head, saying, “Yes, please.” Oh, he took everything so literally!

She began to describe that she had met with an old friend from another clan (destroyed by fire, ironically enough, which would be so when the story continued) on a beach before they arrived at the springs. The history lesson would have to wait for now, because these bizarre waters were a little more attention-grabbing. After he had tested it and probably made sure that it wasn’t going to kill them outright, she warned against drinking it. A rare smile flickered across his features, and he said dryly, “Wasn’t planning to.” He didn’t intend to be rude; it was just what crossed his mind and jumped the synapse to come out his mouth. “I’m glad, too. We would have curious, sight-seeing wolves crawling out of our ears if they heard of water-on-fire up here…” He was saying this when it occurred to him that they might have that problem with water that was simply warm. He looked up sharply to his Centurion, this seeming an important observation. “Still… it is interesting enough. We may have to keep this an Inferni secret.” Unfortunately and ironically, Snake would bring his friend Daisuke here days later. Hopefully the golden wolf would keep his mouth shut.

Kaena tested the waters herself, reaching down deeper than Snake had dared to. He almost warned her not to reach too deep, fearing that devils or demons might pull her down into hell, but then he shut his mouth. He wouldn’t like to appear foolish… though he might be so if that did happen. Luckily, it didn’t. Regardless, she continued the story of Inferni, mentioning that both she and her friend disappeared from the leadership and that the next died at a wolf’s hands. Something told Snake that that wouldn’t be anywhere near the only death caused by wolves in this story. She paused, though, and he looked at her with interest in his flat olive eyes which seemed to say “Go on.”


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