Rainy day women #12&35
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@&#&$It seemed as if this had all happened shortly after he left, a fact he found none too surprising. Anselm's efforts were largely focused on Inferni's perimeter, but he still got around on the inside, too. It was in his nature to keep up-to-date on the happenings around him. As much as he liked to think he'd pick up on something so atrocious happening right in his neighbourhood, he had to admit that Hybrid had a knack for disappearing. He found the Hydra's scent along the borders during his patrols, but the demented man was elusive and Anselm rarely saw him in person outside of pack functions. It wasn't as if he minded of course; the coyote was so high strung it was contagious, made worse for the Caelum who greatly preferred to keep his ass intact and his "love stick" on reserve for the ladies only.
@&#&$It would have been unfortunate indeed if those incidents had spurred on a lasting feud between their two packs; those things seemed to take on a life of their own that was nigh impossible to extinguish once started. Some of them seemed to get off on war and conflict but he could not imagine why. Inferni was truly lucky that the storm blew over with the Phoenix Valley wolves before either side sustained casualties--he liked to think that the simmering water had cooled to the point where it could be considered a fresh start; the second take, perhaps. It wasn't like their tensions with Dahlia that forever bubbled beneath the surface, constantly threatening to return as a roaring boil that would overflow the top of the pan. Things would have to be this way so long as Haku was in power.
@&#&$As far as the Dreamers, however, he hoped his friend would seek him out if there were any problems in the future. He was no longer a leader but he still had strong connections to both Kaena and her son. He also knew Gabriel was politically sensitive enough to know that even one enemy group was one too many--furthermore, the Aquila had no patience for traitors; he was quick to lay down the law when Inferni's safety was at stake. Anselm knew nobody in their right mind would ever ally with the coyotes, but he hoped the less objectionable of them could seek refuge in Savina or Jacquez's packs if their noses were really bent to the grindstone. Hopefully it would never come to that--if only he knew what his cousin was capable of, he might fear for the entire region's well-being supposing Inferni were ever backed into a corner. Gabriel had set entire worlds aflame already and all repeat crimes seemed less dire as the perpetrator grew desensitised--could the 'Souls wolves survive such a catastrophe again?
@&#&$At least on these smaller scales fire could be used for something good. The little yip she'd sounded was actually rather endearing; he simply offered a dismissive shrug and a small wave of his tail to show that all was well and good. Fortunately in life, most things did not spontaneously ignite and burst into flames, so to be surprised over a little plastic thing doing just that seemed extremely legitimate. On the surface lighters were mighty unimpressive; he wouldn't have thought twice about passing them by until an older teen in his birth pack showed him all the fun tricks they could be used for. Asher had been one hell of a character back in the day--he'd taught Anselm most of what he knew of drugs, alcohol, gambling, and fire. It was a shame the dusky grey adolescent had been one of those "live fast and die young" types, destined to remain a rebellious youth forever. He was taken by their rivals when Anselm just passed the ten month mark of age, and the Caelum had to wonder if Asher had even been conscious of it at the time.
@&#&$He watched as she took her first hit, ears falling back at the (perhaps inevitable) string of coughs. He grabbed her the last container of water he'd collected from a spring in the nearby reserve--it usually helped. "Hmm, strangely it's one of those things where the more you do it, the faster it kicks in," he said, although he supposed this spoke well for the drug, too. It wasn't one of those things the body built up a rapid tolerance to; it didn't require more and more each time to get the same buzz. "For your first time, I'd say if you don't feel much in fifteen minutes to take another hit. It can take a little but you don't want to overdo it." He'd seen that happen enough times to know. The others became overzealous and wound up biting off more than they could chew. Most of the time they'd just pass out for a nap before anything too insane happened, but he could tell by their widened eyes they weren't at all okay with being "stuck" to the ground they sat upon.
@&#&$"At any rate, if you want anything at all just let me know," he offered. He would need to restock on water sooner or later anyway; he liked having it on hand for the bongs. "It can make you sort of thirsty but there's a spring less than five minutes away and I can go fetch more water if we need it... or if you want to go for a walk or something just say the word." Everyone was different--some liked to get up and move around while high but others preferred to laze around and do absolutely nothing at all. Anselm fell somewhere in the middle of those two groups, and what he chose to do varied with his mood and how much had to get done. He found walking around the borders very enjoyable while under the influence, but if he smoked too much he was more inclined to hole up in his den for a couple hours instead.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +1007

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