Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'
486 words


There were many mysteries of the natural world, each one with hundreds of possible solutions. Gotham enjoyed imagining what some of these solutions might be, and he was rather smitten with the dragon explanation. Dragons, however, were really big, and it would be hard for one to live on the land without being noticed. Besides in mountains and great forests, they would be easily and readily spotted, making them a poor candidate for whatever made the flowers come back. Even in the dead of night, dragons wouldn't be able to sneak into the flower beds around Crimson Dreams, and if they tried to sneak over the rolling hills of open plain they wouldn't do too well, either. This led to a rather reasonable conclusion made by the boy: whatever collected the seeds and replanted them when spring came would have to be something small. He exclaimed the first small, earthy creature that popped into his head, "Oh, like a mole!" They were surely good diggers, and perhaps in their underground caves they kept supplies of all sorts of seeds. What a marvel it would be to see! Of course, they would have to keep it all secret. What if some seed-munching bird or other animal got in and ate all the seeds? There would never be those poor dying flowers again! It was likely that there were very large underground networks in various places, accounting for the diversity of flowers in different places. They probably didn't have these creatures in Italy or other places where flowers never went away, either.


Gotham had dreams of big adventures and princely endeavors, but Crimson Dreams would always be home. For now, the lands around the mansion were vast enough, the adventures wild and the skies charming, but only time would tell if it was all big enough for the boy. Perhaps one day he would have to go on a grand adventure! He knew that he must see the Italy that his mother spoke of and the lands where she grew up, but that was more of a deep-rooted feeling than a conscious decision. The boy didn't even know how to get back there, and for now he was much too young. Maybe the entire family could go back together. The thought made him happy, and he wondered if his father had seen the place Savina came from. It would be a very fun trip, the youngster thought, though he didn't take into account the long boat ride under less than wonderful living conditions. He was being spoiled in terms of his quality of life in Crimson Dreams, and had become accustomed to it. The anticipation of adventure would likely make him antsy, even if it did make him feel the long trip was worth it. Anyway, this was all years in the future, and the thought had barely crossed the cadet's mind.


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