3:10 to Yuma

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A vague smile appeared on Snake’s feature sat Anselm’s comment—it certainly showed a lot of trust to creatures whose mouths were full of sharp teeth. It was lucky that the two coyotes’ stomachs were full as well, thanks to the deer that Anselm had downed earlier. But just as he had thought, the shepherd did indeed show up. She was an alabaster wolf, bigger in stature than Snake was, with sharp green eyes. He was immediately wary of the creature—he knew that Phoenix Valley had had a problem with Inferni before, so he would not go letting his guard down now. She was certainly not gentle with the wandering lamb, delivering a sharp nip to its haunch that sent it fleeing back to where he expected the rest of the fold was… Just as Anselm seemed curious that there was a flock at all.

And now the younger coyote was put in the somewhat awkward position of someone completely new in the presence of two who knew each other from… somewhere. The fact that the woman recalled Anselm’s name as Joule was something that made the bandanna-wearing Hastati shoot him a sharp glance. He had no place to question his superior’s methods, but usually he had to be wary of those who used lots of aliases… though Snake himself had several surnames he used for himself. But that was something different entirely.

Anselm seemed to positively bring back the snowy-furred woman’s name as Naniko; Snake matched it to her appearance and her pack before storing that away. He was doing a lot of this note-taking while observing this interaction. For one, he was pretty impressed with how Anselm glibly stepped around his name-juggling—a middle name, hm? Clever. Snake might have to use that one in the future. The red-eyed de le Poer was probably lucky that his companion was so serious, else he would have started laughing and given him away. As it was, Snake’s face was as serious as stone.

The Caelum took Snake’s introduction to further themselves from the lie, though Snake thought it was pretty good enough to not need it. Regardless, he said to the wolf, “Nice to meet you, Naniko.” He even added a small pinch of warmth to his tone, though it was somewhat strange in his almost robotic way of speaking. Even, level. Nevertheless, he felt no need to add anything. Snake could lie sometimes, yes, but not very well. His face was a little too stoic to be dodgy and his wit was far too blunt to be silver. So he did what he was good at—remaining uninteresting, practically fading away into the background unless the watcher was interested in him.


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