Help me out, said the eagle to the dove
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SoSuWriMo 458

As unwelcome as the reality of the situation was, she did not begrudge Dawali for being honest with her. It was much better to know how things could go then to be convinced that everything would turn out alright and then to have her expectations shattered. Being prepared to handle all possible outcomes was better, even if some of them were bleak at best. When he said that he also hoped that the dove would heal a smile came back to her face. Maybe some people would think her foolish for caring so much over a dove, but it was just the way she was and she wasn’t about to change. Having dealt with the physical and psychological trauma that she had made her incredibly empathetic to anything that was in pain and so while it may have been one sided at the moment, she felt a connection to the bird and wanted to ease his suffering as those around her had worked to ease her’s.

Her head cocked curiously to the side as Dawali told her he knew of a good place to find seeds. Right as she was about to ask where it was he tossed his head in the direction of the heart of the territory and told her to follow him. “Okay. Thank you,” she replied quickly as she held the dove closer to her body again. It was so very nice of him to take her to someplace that had seeds that she could use to feed her new charge. He was not obligated to do any of this, she knew, because she was not a part of his pack. So the fact that he was doing all of this for her made her so grateful. Eagerly she followed him and couldn’t help but wonder where it was they were walking. Her experience inside these lands was very slim as she had only played with Noir here once when she had still been very little. The only things she remembered were the hole in the ground Noir had come out of and the flower patch where they had pretended to be butterflies.

As the two wolves walked deeper and deeper into the tribe’s lands a thought came to Cambria. Crimson Dreams did not have a healer anymore, and that was not good. She was getting older now and was able to do more things and in not too long would be counted among the adult members of the pack and as of now she didn’t think she had very many special skills that she could contribute to her home. “Dawali, how hard is it to be a healer?” Maybe it would be beyond her limits, but she wouldn’t know if she didn’t ask.


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