People have died here

OOC: ..... ouch.. whats going to go on with him and her?

Amaranth had come to grips that she was in for quite the long ride. Her little body as already starting to bruise under her pelt and her tail hurt so bad. She looked at him, as she stood there she wished the door she came in was open. She looked at him she must have looked like an ant to him and that thought came all the more real when his foot came at her.

She wanted to duck or hide but there was no place. His foot came in contact with her as she was sent tumbling. All words now escaped her. She laid there on the floor as she coughed. She looked at her paws as she stood saying nothing. She had once been filled with puppy joy and freedom. Now she was lost and beaten. Her bright purple eyes once glistened and were filled with hope. Now they were dull and full of pain her little body hardly able to take the pain. She looked up at him with a glare not even saying a word.


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