envy on the coast
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v368/ ... horses.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
419 SSMW
Apologies for the length

The coyote gave a smile and Strel mimicked him out of habit. The grin on his lips was brighter and bigger than what Snake had given the redheaded wolf at the start, though it was not much harder since the blond's had been rather small. Strel felt rather lucky indeed to have even gotten a glimpse of it, so sure was he that the thing was indeed a rare object to behold upon the coyote's features. He noted the woven necklace on the other male's neck, curious as to where such a thing came from. Watching Snake's lips move and hearing the words that came out with a tilt of the head, Strel kept fingering his bangle. At some point the thing had been dirty and dusty before being polished shiny. Now it was a bit less new looking than when he had cleaned. Meeting new folk always reminded him of his bangle, since it was a new experience, just like finding the jewelry box had been.

"Inferni? Is it nice?" He was unaware of the status of other packs, knowing fully where they were in a general map in his head, but the intimate details escaped him. Strel knew a person, here and there, from one or two of the packs, but the rest were a mystery to him. Inferni was not a name that was whispered without some lick of fear from the people he had heard it from, though he was certainly willing to give a stranger a chance to define himself by something other than his home. After all, the pack might have very little effect on the guy and his personal preferences and personality could drift far from the stereotypes placed upon him and his birth. "I feel that the ocean here is the same one. I guess the view would be the same no matter where you were in this territory."

The redhead gave the coyote a quizzical look. "Other fascinating wolf?" he questioned, head tilting the other way. "That's an almost vague enough description to mean anyone." Strel smirked, arms crossing across his chest casually, digits relaxing slightly. There was a far lesser need to be stiff since the coyote had plenty of opportunity to attack so it was safe to say that there would be no attack. It was alright to feel safe. Besides, friendships were not born in tense situations, but in casual moments. "Cour des Miracles. I'm not sure what that means alliance wise. Got no beef with them?"

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