The dawn is coming
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    Haku’s lips wanted to withdraw and reveal those deadly fangs that had taken so many lives yet still thirsted so. The boy seemed afraid of him. Perhaps instinct actually seemed to matter at such a young age before it was ignored and forgotten about. Haku was the incarnation of a lot of bad things and he wondered how long he would go about and find by his surprise that no one managed to see the true, hallow monster hiding immediately under chocolate fur and skin. He kept up his stare as the child sought to keep his hiding spot between its mother’s legs. Perhaps the child could have found some ease had the adult’s penetrating glare wandered away for a moment, but a first lesson would be that troubling things did not merely disappear if you hid long enough. Not the true horrors anyway. Nightmares were supposed to end and fade by dawn, but Haku carried his own within every day; relived those horrible deeds that further ruined whatever was left of his heart and soul. There was no ability left in the black heart pushing tainted blood through his body – the pulsing organ merely assisted spreading the consuming disease faster. Soon, very soon, Haku Soul would start to count his last breaths.

Mew Sadira was right as she reprimanded her children in a voice that was much too soft for the Lilium’s liking. They would have to learn to show the right members some respect if they wished to have a future within the pack. It would soon be time to act and Haku would get rid of weed and other waste. The male nodded, finally moving his gaze to glare on the two other children as they weakly attempted to greet the man they thought were related to them. By blood, maybe, but that alone meant nothing. If his body had required meat he would have had no problem feasting of their flesh. Mew seemed to be proud of her children’s pathetic attempt to greet their future God, but she was merely female and he expected nothing from her. ”No, not hard at all.” he echoed in his dark tones, looking up at the sister he once had managed to see as family. Days stretched by and he knew not why they contained black holes. Dark shadows had started to populate the world again. Hollow fragments of souls that wished to feed of the living.

He did not fear them, for he had already been consumed by the dark shadow within.


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