tactical espionage action

SSWM 367

As the blue eyed coyote found Haku’s incoming form he almost broke into a horrible smile. He saw eyes widen as inexperienced eyes watched a monster approach. Surprise was not what the large wolf had expected from adults carrying the banner of the Inferni clan. Surely they knew whose lands they were closing in on. He was certain that the clan remembered his past actions well. He had tempted Gabriel’s fire demon out to play when he had ripped a woman and her child to shred. Just to overdo it all he had tied her up in a tree and mocked what he later realized was Gabriel’s god. It was a foolish belief indeed, but Haku was not one to judge the creatures that the souls in these lands worshipped. He knew well that there was both a heaven and hell that everyone eventually would end up in. Haku had not chosen a side. He had been chosen as a child by one of the dark lord’s offspring, one of the young with experimental strings tied to every major conflict that had ever occurred after Judas had tied his knot and ended his life. Haku did not know the true identity of the demonic power residing within his body, but he knew that he found pleasure in destruction. Chaos was such a beautiful thing.

The coyote was slow – too slow. As every bloody canine he tossed his body out of the way of the charging Rosen. This had been expected, for there was never a soul that decided to stand his or her ground and take the crushing impact. He had been ready, though his speed and weight did not allow him to make a fluent and deadly turn as he wished. Fangs opened and he stretched his neck and tossed his head to the side in an attempt to catch hold of the boy’s young body. Eyes in the most vivid and treacherous warm blue sought out the other intruder’s form, though he had clearly chosen his desired target. His whole body twisted to the side after the brownish coyote with only one goal: to rip the little bastard apart.

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