Simply not good enough


In Character

She was ready to dedicate herself ultimately to this world. He knew that from the star emblazoned on her chest, and the way she had struck down that wolf without second thought. Halo Lykoi would be a warrior—she had not spent enough time in training, but the time for these things was past. Even Hybrid trained, in his own way, just as Gabriel and Anselm practiced through routines they both knew by heart now. To kill was to take a great step forward, and he intended to see that her kill was honored. She would need to rise to an even greater challenge soon, and use the rage that he knew existed in her body. It was a power, but one that required a great skill in order to be great.

“No,” he answered quickly, suddenly refocused on the task at hand. “I wouldn’t start you off with a real weapon for a long time,” he continued, knowing that even with her practice with the swords, the dangers of using something real were much greater. “In order to use a spear, the spear needs to find you.” At least, Vienna had told him that. “You’ll need a branch that’s probably about your height, and straight. Get one of those, bring it back, and remove all the bark from it. Once you have that, we can start your lessons.”

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table by sie

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