When it rains
Table © James
OOC: 854 to sosuwrimo

Thank you, Cotl. her maw gracefully let the words from her maw. Her eyes and face brightened up when he had given her the rabbit. He was a generous being, especially since he had so much food to spare at the moment, even though he could have just saved it for himself for later. It didn't matter though, because he wasn't a greedy bastard. The woman smiled at him, and finally let out a full-hearted smile to the feo. He had no reason to be sour with the feo, she had been one of the only canines to not really persist about knowing what exactly was wrong with him, and he appreciated it. Cotl was watching her with his cold eyes though, them still remaining that same cold gaze that it always was, though his lips were twisted still in the smile. He watched her movements because he had to draw her now, and he really needed to get every aspect of her appearance for him to be able to make it look like her. You ask, "Why would he waste his time drawing her as well if all she wanted to see was the tattoo?" Well, Cotl was particular about his artwork. Plus, Cotl had to admit that this woman was beautiful. He wanted to draw her as well, so she could see how beautiful she was in art-form. Plus, He figured she'd appreciate it in some way. Perhaps treasure it. "Bitteschön." the male answered in his home language, not bothering to even explain what he had said. It was because he was still used to the folks in Germany speaking both German and English to him. He had treated this new place as his home, and his home before here was riddled with 'yotes and wolves whom spoke both German and English.

She shook her head as his statement about her necklace not fitting him. She agreed, which was good, though she had failed to respond to his question about what might look good on him. One of his pierced audits fell back lightly before she had spoken to him about the meat. This meat is good. she spoke, nibbling away at it. He nodded his head and smiled again to her. "I'm glad you-HEY HOE, FUCK YOU- like it." the male spoke to the feo, the soft smile still on his maw as he again, touched his rabbit and tested the heat on it. He didn't eat it yet though, instead he turned to the pan that the cooking rabbit was on, and he flipped it over on it's other side so it could cook some more. I’d like to see your Maschine afterwards then. she added on, speaking about Maschine. He nodded his head. He didn't know if she'd like the tattoo, but her grandmother seemed to be rather... impressed by just the outline of the skull on the horse's face. Kaena had also seen him color in and then later shade it as well, and so she had seen the finished product as well, and complimented the male ten fold on the job he had accomplished on the horse's face. I'm sure Maschine would love to meet a beautiful young woman as well. -FUCKIN DOLPHIN RAPIST- I'm sure he'll enjoy meeting you. Ja.. the male seemed to be babbling on alittle bit before he took his rabbit and took a few big bites out of it. He did not take small bites like she, for he had already known the taste, and he never really took his time while eating, simply because he never felt like he had the time to sit there and just dine like that. He just didn't couldn't do it like she had been doing. Nibbling wasn't in Cotl's dictionary.

Cotl munched on his rabbit, the taste of the kill was filling his maw, making him salivate, though not enough for it to be pouring out of his mouth or anything like that. He was quick to demolish the rabbit though, the male eating off all the meat he could get from the rabbit's skeleton. He did not eat the skeleton though, just because he didn't like to eat the bones. When they came out the other end, it never failed to make him bleed. So he wasn't going to deal with that. Probably never again since the first time it happened. The male looked to the rabbit on the skillet yet again, thinking it was probably finished by now, but he decided to let it stay on for a little bit longer, just because he figured that it being a little bit over seared wouldn't hurt it. He let it sit there while he munched on his rabbit, picking the bones to get every last piece of meat off of it before he would discard the skeleton, though, he didn't know if Halo might have wanted some of the bones, so she could make some jewelry or whatnot. As he licked his lips, he looked towards her and then decided to bring up the question she had failed to answer before. So I'm taking it as a "no" that you can't think-BANSHEE!- of anything that would look good on me.



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