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indent The pre-dawn light was just enough to give his eyes a faint glow, as the pupils dilated to take in as much light as possible. Ahren’s fur had not yet begun to give off the false halo, as it so often did in brighter conditions. A sudden burst of noise had his hand near his hip, positioned for both the knife and a sudden defense. It wasn’t a deer he had startled, judging from the size and sound. Soon enough, he caught the high-pitched wail of a feminine voice. Puzzled, the blonde frowned and made his way forward.
indent After only a few seconds, he spotted the culprit. The girl was behind (sort of) a tree, and looked as though hell was after her. The confusion did not fade, and in fact, his upper lip pulled up slightly as the confusion grew. With one hand still carrying the dead bird and the other now at his side, Ahren approached cautiously, calling out. “Hey, are you okay?”


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