How the Day Sounds


In Character

Gabriel’s history was one of blood and fire, as was the way of his family. He saw in her a perpendicular life, one that crossed with his one for one moment in time. She understood faith, but not as he saw it. She understood war, and the need for battle, but not as he knew it. One part of him wanted to be able to touch that, to understand what it felt like to live without the fear of death lurking around every corner. There was no terror left for himself, only for his family—and in two weeks time it would come to a head.

While he certainly could have been using her, the need for deceit had left Gabriel in his youth. It was no longer his place to hide behind false names or use lies in order to get what he needed. And with her, he needed nothing. Anu’s company was welcomed, and even though they had only met twice, he considered her something of a friend. These days, they were few and far between. It did no good for him to take up and bear arms against one of the few people who had not only accepted his faith, but understood it.

She was lying, and Gabriel smiled to show he knew it. “There are men much more terrible then me in the world.” Haku. Cwmfen’s father, whom had attacked his son without provocation. His own half-brother. The world was full of wickedness. He knew that all too well.

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table by sie

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