it's trouble and it's in our road

SSWM 413

Haku had been chosen by a mistake. Ignorance had let his mother set free a devil inside her child’s body, and there it settled and grew along with its vessel. It had feasted off the child soul and made first introductions. Haku Soul was standing here now, unaware of how obvious his darkness was in the lit eyes of the oddly coated male. Haku could not distinguish the different shades of what Corvus Vendetta had spoken of as the darkness. He knew ambition and talent where it was to be found, but had found few that exploited and learned from their dark powers. The large brute before the Rosen seemed plain, but there was also a mission. Larkspur revealed his purpose and though it was not Haku’s business what this education consisted of he was of course intrigued and wanted to know. The D’Angelo females Haku knew of seemed nothing special though. They were the same wolfen garbage as everyone else. Once upon a time Haku had know a Meth with blood of D’Angelo and de le Poer – this if his memory served him true, and she had been beautiful. Insane and beautiful. Years had passed and he assumed she was dead.

He discarded the possibility of worth in the general D’Angelo blood, and that was where his interest ended. Addison was free to do whatever she wanted. Whether or not she was close enough to hear any summon was a different question that Haku could not answer. Although he cared little, he had noticed by her fleeting scent that her adventurous spirit was strong within her. She was a wanderer and he wondered when the day came that Addison would not return to Dahlia de Mai. Haku stepped back and to the side, as if unblocking an invisible door leading into Dahlia and the possible family member. ”Then be my guest, then..” Haku was not about to be more helpful than he felt like. This was Larkspur’s quest, not Haku’s, and the Rosen was an egocentric creature with time and effort for his own plots and games and little more. Blue eyes kept studying the ruined pelt. "Though.." He could see that the man was originally black and thought it a shame he was ruining the majestic fur by adding highlights. ”Why have you ruined your pelt with dye?” a last question would have to be answered before the loner could see his little cousin.

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