octane twisted - leader needed

So uhhh, I'll make a new thread where Silas can bring his goodies to you guys? Big Grin

The young Russian didn’t know what to make of the Centurion’s request. Though she had also realized that Silas had in fact trespassed, she was willing to give him a chance in exchange for some flesh. But the boy didn’t have a big hand in fighting. He had of course sparred with Anatoliy as brothers often do, but he was nowhere near the level that these blood thirsty coyotes must have wanted. What Hybrid then retorted was true. Silas would have no clue where to start, but that didn't mean he was going to give up so easily. He let his icy gaze travel over towards the Hydra, the sickening taste returning to his mouth. If he ever made it into Inferni’s borders, he’d constantly be on lookout for Hybrid. He had a feeling there would be forever a mutual loathing between the two, and he was completely fine with that.

Had Hybrid not said a word, perhaps Silas would have gone on his way and left Inferni alone. Sure, he’d share his story with his family, trying the best he could to alleviate the impression that he was naïve and impulsive in going past the marked borders, and that would be that. But no, the Hydra had to open his mouth and direct his words at Silas. This was a challenge now, and the Russian would not back down. With his eyes narrowed and fierce, Silas looked from Hybrid to Kaena. "You vill ‘ave your flesh," he said simply, before turning to leave and begin the planning of his new test.

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