Is there an answer?

End here?

The knight's response to her concerns about Jontae left the silver and ivory woman feeling somewhat relieved. As much as she loved little Jontae, she couldn't imagine what life would be like if every pup she ever took care of ended up being the same way. The fact that Jontae was taking after her father struck Ruri as amusing as Jac wanted little to do with his own child. However, regardless of his lack of influence she was still a little reflection of her father."Just as long as she doesn't end up exactly like Jac. It's hard enough dealing with one of him, I can't imagine that the world could handle two individuals with such personalities," Ruri chuckled before listening to Haven's other responses. The Aatte male thanked her for her good wishes, which of course she appreciated. However, such thanks were not necessary. It was only natural that she would wish her friend well in his relationships. As the topic drifted to horses the blind female found her head slowly tipping to the side inquisitively as Haven talked about his stallion. Then he directed the conversation back to her with a question about a horse of her own. Heath hadn't officially selected a horse for her, but he had let her ride Stark with him. Plus, Stark seemed to be fond of her or so it had seemed when they first met. Stark was certainly not hers, but at least she could respond to part of Haven's question. "Heath hasn't picked one out for me yet, but he does have a second horse that he lets me ride on. Of course, Heath has to ride with me because I can't tell where I'm going without my feet on the ground. The horse is another stallion named Stark. He's not as fast as Heath's horse, Lumiere, but he seemed to like me when I first met him. I'm looking forward to riding him again after this ankle of mine heals." she replied, pointing toward her injured appendage. The pain and discomfort had been decreasing with each day, and Ruri was hopeful that she would be able to walk on it in about a week. Either way, she would have to wait until then before she could return to her normal, active routine. At least there was the comfort of knowing that she had friends like Haven to keep her company.


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